Ref. Buy scout IRL!



Ok ban my id. i work on a netcafe, so i would be more then happy to try to see them perform that order.

Call me a nOOb once more and i must laugh, besides ive been playing on Us-since the start of their beta, so if anyone are noobs here it must be you for making a statement whice you are not even entitlede to say.

I very well know boths GOA's & Mythic's Code of conduct, but if a person´sells his or her acc & char to me via email they would never know and even if they where to find out they would be facede with international court, because and i quote:

Trade & Game service state: when a firm sells a game or product whice can only be playede/usede via the companeys online service its the buyer of the game/product who owns the game/product and therefor according to legal rights, owns the service on the net whice he or she pays for. unless laws of international code(ref. laws) are broken. then the host/companey are entitlede to break service and notify user & police if criminal acts are belivede to be performede.

This law includes all EU-membership nationalties.



I wish I had the character you wanted.

I need the cash ATM.

Although I would sell the account to you, pocket the cash then cancel it ;-P


Oh yeah and that law is nicely worded but pretty irrelevant.

All companys can refuse to provide service to any individual as long as it doesn't break the law in doing so.

GOA could legally just pull the plug on the account you buy.

You could probably mount a civil action for fees paid but one letter from a soliciter would be more expensive than that.....



i would sue em for breaking a service i own and pay for ....

would be the same as for you insurrance just to cut you off the payment after your house just burnede to the ground and delete your insurance transfer...gonna happen ...i don't think so, because remember every time i transfer cash to GOA's bank account i get an email from the bank aswell as from GOA telling me the transfer is completet, and cutting me off a service i payede the game and the game fee, whice would be breaking laws of ownership once again!

i know by accepting to follow GOA's CoC i accept their conditions, but i don't, for that simple reason that if i click no, i can't play the game, besidestheir CoC are against EU-laws of Game/Onlineservice. as written above!

so who are gaining anything on this simple law of selling/buying?

we aren't are they aren't!

all loosers no winners! Though!


Re: simple.

But you haven't paid goa the person who created the character paid goa and you paid them.

I would be facinated to see how contract of service law deals with this. The origonal player has set up a contract with goa and then sells on that contract without consent from the provider.

I suspect if taken to a contractual level this represents a breach. Although it is a difficult area.

As for your quoting a law, it is ambiguous at best and dificult to fit into these situations, especially within international law.
It would be an interesting legal situation at best, although might be a costly one..


Trade & Game service state: when a firm sells a game or product whice can only be playede/usede via the companeys online service its the buyer of the game/product who owns the game/product and therefor according to legal rights, owns the service on the net whice he or she pays for. unless laws of international code(ref. laws) are broken. then the host/companey are entitlede to break service and notify user & police if criminal acts are belivede to be performede.

where did you get that from? seems to be a nice enough quote, but it be nicer with a source attached. :rolleyes:



You've misunderstood the contract that is the purchase of your subscription to the game. What you get for your money is a non-transferable license to access the copyrighted contents of the game, for the duration of your subscription. You don't "own" your characters or the "items" they possess - in fact, GOA can delete all your characters any time they like and as long as they still allow you access to the game to create new ones and start over they're abiding by the terms and conditions of sale (here if you haven't read them recently: )

You can't purchase an account from someone else because they do not legally have the right to transfer it to you. If you sold your account to someone else, you could not only be sued by GOA for violating the terms and conditions of your subscription (and possibly the "intellectual property rights" clause as well) but you could also be sued by the person you sold the account to for fraudulently selling something you had no legal right to sell.

Oh, and if you did it via ebay you'd be in trouble with them as well. They take a very dim view of people who use their system to commit fraud and they have their own investigators and a whole system in place to deal with cases like that.

Good luck! :)

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