reduce awp power



in q3a u can reduce the railguns power,i think this option should be added to CS.if not you should only be killed with 1 shot if your struck in the head or the chest ,not the legs.CheeseEnd your columns suck


hehe shoot them in the big toe that works lol


i still think the awp is BS, dieing from a shot in the ass aint right.ill respect a scout kill but not some tit with an awp


The point with the AWP is that the round is supposidly so powerful that you would be put out of action, eg you get shot in the bum and you have no bum no more.
Yeah it is annoying to get shot in the foot from across the map but the slow reload time makes it pretty balanced to me.


yeah i think i agree with Pakman on this one.
Lets face it, an AWP fires a round so powerfull that a leg hit would result in half of it disappearing from the shin down.
Even a toe hit (?) would result in your foot being blown off. In either case, whoever takes a hit would not be in any position to continue the engagement, effectively killing you.
In real life this would happen with nearly all bullets anyway, even the pip-squeek 5.56mm round the AUG fires.

Above all things, to thine own-self be true.


The old reality versus gameplay argument. On this one I favour better gameplay.

Unreal Serpentine got the sniper rifle absolutely right imho. Apart from having to allow for the laws of physics over a decent range ie you had to aim above the target and allow for bullet drop, it emulated arms getting tired with jitter creeping into the sights. The only one shot one kill hits were headshots tho' other hits did serious damage. Well worth a play to see a well balanced set of weapons for different ranges, with no one weapon dominating. And some beautiful custom maps. Just wish it would come out for UT.

In CS the sniper rifle is so often used more like an assault rifle, not an overwatch weapon for the shorter range weapon guys. Whether or not the modelling is right, the usage is wrong so I would argue for reducing the damage for limb hits, not least to improve the skill factor.



AWP Power

Seens as Counterstrike is striving to be realistic, you've got to take into account that the fact that if you DO get shot even with a pistol, its quite often not the damage the bullet does that kills you. Its the shock your system takes that kills you. People are known to have died from being shot in very silly places, because their bodies couldn't handle the shock.

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