RedJack ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



For those that are suffering from Redjack(disconnecting icon in the compass)but have not read the forums/news in the game. IT is NOT your equipment do not bother trying to reset networks or buy more memory etc. This is a problem caused by Dynamix's patches and they are working on a solution!
Thought i would post this as i nearly threw my copy in the bin after getting extremely pissed off at not being able to play for more than 5 minutes without having to leave and re-enter the server due to the redjack problem :(

Pisse doff trying anymore tonight maybe it will be fixed tomorrow (only 2 BarrysWorld and 1 NGUK server have any ppl on tonight so i assume this problem is pretty widespread)

Ho Hum off to bed :)

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