redhat 7.2



I just installed redhat 7.2 but still have a few problems. I have 2 computers networked together. I have a cable modem and I share the internet connection by way of a linksys cable/dsl router (Model BEFSR41). im dual booting between redhat and windows xp pro. everything with the network and internet work fine in xp. With the router everything is dhcp so I dont need to put in any ip addresses or anything. But I cant get any of this to work in redhat. I was wondoring if anyone knew what I had to do to get this to work. what info ....etc. my ethernet cards are as follows:
3Com 3C905TX-based Ethernet Adapter and a
Linksys LNE 100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter.

Oh and is there anyway to partition my drives in linux after the install. I used the disk druid in the install and set up a root drive but didnt create the swap. Now I want the swap and cant figure out how to after the install.

Testin da Cable

I take it you want to turn on ip forwarding between your two network cards. to do this properly [and set up a firewall at the same time] you may want to have a look at my column. At the very least it will give you some pointers. if you don't want to do all that you'll prolly be content with looking at a file in the /proc filesystem. go to /proc/sys/net and check out something called ip_forward4 [may be called differently tho] but ip_forward* is the file you'll want.

what you have to do is something like this: type echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ip_forward[enter]. this effectively turns on the ip_forwarding mechanism. the fun part of this is that /proc is a so called pseudofilesystem. iow it's not "real" because it's generated in memory every time the system boots. so you'll have to make it that the command I mentioned above happens every time the system boots. if you look in /etc you'll find the rc.* scripts that control what your box does when it boots.

a good idea may be to make a file in rc2.d called S99startipfwd containing the command I mentioned. remember to stick the S99 stuff in front as it's important heh. iow it won't work if you don't do it. so what do we have? every time you boot to linux the script [/b]/etc/rc2.d/S99startipfwd[/b] echos "1" to the ip_forward file in /proc turning on your ip forwarding.

as to making a swap partition. that is more or less easy heh. start up fdisk or cfdisk and make a type 82 partition [82 is swap, 83 is linux iirc] where you want your swap space to be. then run the addswap/mkswap commands to generate your swappartition.
after this you get to play with swapon to get it running. it's possible that you'll have to add the entry to your /etc/fstab and a script to your rc files to turn it on at boot time.

everything I mentioned above is copiously documented and every command has it's own lovely man-file [type man command]

Btw, I'm just pointing you in the right direction. If you want to run linux then you'll have to learn. Good Luck!!


Stick wif windaz :)

If it works, dont break it so goes the saying :p

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