12 drops and 4 single respec stones from 1 keylord in Caer Sidi is what we got yesterday... :D
X Xeanor Guest Sep 6, 2003 #1 12 drops and 4 single respec stones from 1 keylord in Caer Sidi is what we got yesterday...
A Adelle Guest Sep 6, 2003 Thread starter #4 The Host is a boss that is made up out of several different mobs that all share the same health, and they will all drop items upon death.
The Host is a boss that is made up out of several different mobs that all share the same health, and they will all drop items upon death.
S Sharma Guest Sep 6, 2003 Thread starter #5 pre-patch it used to drop like 10 BPs when it was killed, lol :/
I ilum Guest Sep 6, 2003 Thread starter #6 Hehe, how many items were actually unclaimed after that raid?
O old.linnet Guest Sep 6, 2003 Thread starter #9 Originally posted by old.Zarff I can't... Click to expand... That's cos he is playing an alt, Zarffi
S Shike Guest Sep 7, 2003 Thread starter #10 wow nice timing on killing the "mirrored Host's" there :great:
G gudrex Guest Sep 8, 2003 Thread starter #11 all of em dropp?...pffft ...just like mythic to give albs all the sweets
D Dook_Pug Guest Sep 8, 2003 Thread starter #12 Galla absolutely sucks for drops. I've been farming it everyday for a week and usually come out with 1 drop per day. :<
Galla absolutely sucks for drops. I've been farming it everyday for a week and usually come out with 1 drop per day. :<
O old.Morchaoron Guest Sep 8, 2003 Thread starter #13 I was running around with that twat for 10 mins.... clear the host rooms faster next time