I have a reaver on camlann with the top spec, only difference is 2 less parry and 1 more SR for the DPS buff (mostly incase I solo which I rarely do), and to tell you the truth levi is pretty much the only style worth using in the flex line, if I run with my guild group I use levi backed up with indigosnake (level 18 side move proc) or levi backed up with Asp (longer reach) if they are running and lag jsut out of range :<. 42Shield is nice utility to have an anytime stun, I run with an aug healer so can get off 5 maybe levi's if that is acctualy needed on any target I stun.
The only spec I personaly would think that could be any better would involve autotraining and then getting SR to 41 for slightly better lifetap, but then ofc you have little parry which can be useful if you plan trying to solo much. Anotehr spec that might be worth thinking about is 50Flex, 47SR, 35Shield (this gives you the best parts of SR and flex along with a side and behind stun, this does involve again autotraining)
Just want to add, that Soulrending does underperform atm, and that you shoul get some parry if you like to hunt solo. Unfortunately block, i got 42+8 + mob2 atm, is not very reliable.
flicking between qbars?.. surely u means.. erm.. /macro parry /qbar <parry qbar number whatever the fook it is> with an auto return button to original qbar yeah? flick between? huh...
can set up very very nice stuff for reavers if u practice with the qbar set up
say 1 button for.. oh i just parried.. press that twice and u switch to that bar and hit reactive style, then next one down is follow up.. if it goes tits up hit the go back to orginal qbar button.. maybes 0 button. can also if u clever.. set up your normal spells on the qbars at same slots as u used to anyhoo..
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