Realm two-handed damage totals



I've been trialing a 2h armsman in alb land for a couple of nights and am pretty satisfied with the damage (ok ok its **** loads!).

I was wondering how it compares to 2h damage in other realms though - considering the different way the spec points must be spent:

Hib: Spec in large weapons, get the choice of slash/crush/thrust? when you fight so get the advantages of reaver flexible weapons to suit the current opponent. LW specific styles, template of 50 parry, 50 LW with spare(???) points

Mid: Spec in regular weapons, can choose 1h + shield for main tank pve or 2h to throw some damage in. Uses the regular damage styles as 1h weapons. Again, template of 50 sword, 50 parry possible with 28 shield left over. Non flexible damage type from spec (crush/slash)

Alb: Must double spec and choose weapon damage type + 2h. Gets 2h styles and regular styles, but has less points available for parry. Potential specs: 50 2h, 42 slash, 39 parry say.

Will an alb using 2h sword therefore outdamage a 2h middy/ lw hibby all other factors being equal? (due to the need to double spec)

There's a description of alb parry on the catacombs site - it cleary states a user speccing parry using a 2h sword will have double the chance to parry (so each point = 1% parry chance). Various people ingame dispute this - is it a myth?


Firstly. Large weapons are crush and slash - no thrust weapon included. Need 1 spec only.

Albs have to spec main damage type for increased minimum damage, and polearm/twohanded for increased maxiumum damage. All three damtypes is specable. Need 2 speclines.

Mids have free 2h spec, but no option on dealing other damagetypes, except for the hunter's spear which is both slash and thrust - but no 1hander. Need 1 spec only.

The damage increase from 2h compared to 1h is 10% extra damage, plus a set ammount of damage based on your weaponspec. I believe this is around 0.5% per level of spec.

There is no increased chance to parry with a 2handed weapon. However, using a 2hander yourself causes a 50% penalty to your target's ability to parry. For example using a 2hander versus dual wielding classes such as zerkers/savages/mercenaries/blademasters are highly recommendable. Perhaps especially mercs which has low chance of evade.


Bah I had hoped the catacombs parry statement had been correct. It would seem to have made some sense since you are sacrificing a hand that could potentially hold a shield :(

Now I just need to weigh up the pros and cons of a 2h in pve, and decide if its going to be worth another 3-6 months levelling!

Thanks for the clear answer Harm :)


ermm y go 2h when armsman has pole that does better dmg for the time being plus styles from pole are more rvr friendly?
if u go pole u can choose from 2 specs .. 50 pole 39 dmg type(preferably thrust cause most supports are chainwearers) 42 shield for slam rest parry .. or 50 pole 50 dmgtype 28 parry oO


Originally posted by shortarse
ermm y go 2h when armsman has pole that does better dmg for the time being plus styles from pole are more rvr friendly?
if u go pole u can choose from 2 specs .. 50 pole 39 dmg type(preferably thrust cause most supports are chainwearers) 42 shield for slam rest parry .. or 50 pole 50 dmgtype 28 parry oO

Well 2h and Pole are both good spec's to be honest....

If you want to Frontload Generally speaking Polearm is better < With the exception of Apoc sword at 6s making an excellent Frontloader, but lets face it what are the chances of you getting it :D>

As for styles I would disagree with you, 2h has better styles < ATM> than Polearm because you get an anytime, 2nd part in chain, medium stun which lets you do your side/back move and also a back stun < its like 3 sec or summit>. Pole get's a snare Anytime that is poor damage really while having it's High damage move's only being able to trigger when being styled on, now only a savage ..... i mean idiot .... would style on a Fully Flegded Polearmsman as the damage from that far exceed's 2h yes, other than that, the rear move is decent damage and 2nd move in chain is a snare which is nice but slow weapon so take's alot of time :/.

BUT, In saying about styles, Polearm get's some love with a 9 sec stun being added to the rear chain 2nd move and a new side chain being added, 2nd move I mean.

As for the orignal Poster's comment, hib and mid only spec 1 line for 2h damage < mid get 1h dmg from it also > while not losing out on damage, The reason they said this was that while alb weapon's would do 140% damage and hib /mid would do 115% damage. Now if you ask any alb mele'er if he thought he easly out damage'd hib/mid tank's he is talking bull ****, They do very similar damage and for the VERY minimal loss in damage they have 9sec stun < shield spec > and the same or very high parry.

This is an issue mythic said there looking into and should have a fix for it, it's poxy but nothing can be done. This double speccing issue make's arms the worst of all main tank's sadly :/ and it also make's 2h pally spec unviable, if they change'd this double speccing then 2h pally's would be a damn sight more useful than they are now, NOT saying 2h pally's arent useful :0 < hides from seeaira :eek: >

Hope that help's man, if not post again I am sure somebody will either discount what I say or actually help you :D :D :D

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