hm ye thats very advanced!Originally posted by old.Sko
Actually he's using advanced tactics of pbaoe pharm - stand in milegate house and pbaoe.
Not that you get a lot of kills, but a lot of rps.
Originally posted by old.Sko
well, since that's best player of hibernia on all servers surely his tactics is advanced, as well as its dedicated and focused player.
Well, just looked his info up on the herald, and this is what came out:
Realm vs Realm information:
Realm points: 8,114,686
Realm points earned this week: 654,095
654k rp in a week ffs....this guy definately needs to get a life.
Oh, and btw, on the herald he's still called Emerald Ridere
Midgard, Prydwen:
Eynar DeBefkoning - lvl 50 skald
Grizlas - lvl 50 healer
Tormax DeBuffkoning - lvl 50 shaman
Proud members of Onslaught
Originally posted by kr0n
He needs a life? Sez the man with 3 L50sQuit using that phrase...
Originally posted by Solid
how can anyone have respect for manachanters? i certainly dont, sorry but they are overpowered and subject to the worst bug abuse in game. Nuff said