Realm Harmony (Sleipner)



It was Monday evening .
Myself and 2 other lowish levels were merrily ganking torcs in Cruachan Gorge.
When all of a sudden we spotted a Mid Dwarf who conned purp to us. We all said a prayer and prepared to eat grass, and wave bye bye to exp'ing in the frontier. When to our astonishment, said Dwarf, whos'e name was Sleipner, sat down and watched us. We ceased our prayers and wondered what was going on. Was he waiting for an exp kill, or maybe for friends to arrive?
Then to our astonishment, he started exping on megafields. Even bringing one to us to help him kill the beast.
We then all sat together to regen'.
After a while of xp'ing amid much non-verbal communication. This lovely Dwarf waved us goodbye and left us in peace.
It is, I find these rare moments that not only resore my faith in DAoC, but in humanity in general.
Thank you Sleipner, you sweet Dwarf. I wish you well, and hope we meet again, in peace.

Silvaer level 33 NightShade
Chalice level 50 enchantress

Brannor McThife

Useless Dwarf. Kill 'em. Kill 'em ALL!!! mwahahahahahaaa!


Sleipner says something in a language you do not understand.


Ok...grey con...I have same rule. If it's grey, it lives. If it's grey and it attacks, smash once with shield. If it lives, and continues to fight. Laugh. If it continues, turn your back. If all else fails, and grey-con possesses suicidal tendencies. Draw 2-H axe and kill. Prepare to be flamed for killing grey-cons. ;)

Megafelid's are good xp. :)


Elric IA

Someone obviously did not feel the same way as him as you because when i passed Sleipner on the way to Crim someone had killed him. I do not reckon it was a megafield either. He was just up by the lip of the gorge near Ligen as well.

It does not often happen that the invader will do that but I had an experience in Collery where high level albs ganked us by the aughisky lake apart from our rezzers. Then they danced and played with us for a while after we were rezzed before departing.


Silvaer .. it's amazing what a little flirting will do, isn't it?

I wonder what he was really saying "in a language you do not understand"? hehe

:p :fluffle: :wub: :sex:


Kheri...... You have a mucky mind and a furtive imagination.. now shush.... Dwarves are kinda cute though.... must be that hump i guess :-p

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