Realm Abilities (Merc and IP)



Well everyone else seems to be getting one so let's have a Merc one :)

I did some tests on Gorre that you might be interested in but my first question would be as follow.

If we don't buy Ignore Pain will we gimp ourselves?

I picked the Merc because I wanted offense, offense and more offense (Well I was conned from the start but...) with realm abilities I'd like to continue this desire, i.e. Master of Pain, Dualist Reflexes etc... But I feel at the end of the day Ignore Pain will far outway these slight enhancements to damage. While these abilities might add 20-50% to your damage (admittedly, all the time), Ignore Pain can increase your damage by 100%, since you live twice as long.

Rain of Fire/Ice/Annihilation etc... I tested Rain of Fire at level I, it's actually quite nice, especially for us dual wielding Mercs, at level I it's 10% additional damage and this stacks with the paladin chant, so I was getting some nice adds. At a cost of 3 points it's pretty reasonable, but probably not an end game choice.

Tireless: I was thinking of putting one point into this, so I tested in on Gorre and quite frankly it's pants. Maybe at higher levels it might do something but at level I it did nothing for my regeneration of endurance while sitting (25 seconds from zero to full mana with and without tireless). In combat/running it took nearly 14 minutes to regenerate from zero to full endurance. I'd say sitting down for 25 seconds is much more efficient

Long Wind: Seems reasonable, without long wind I can sprint for ~20 seconds, Long Wind Level I ~25 seconds, Long Wind Level II ~34 seconds. Is this useful though? It will allow you to catch opponents that have no speed buff, but anyone with a speed buff doesn't need to out run you over the long term, they only need the 5 second head start that allows their buff to kick in. So, since Long Wind doesn't increase your speed, I'm dubious as to it's usefulness.

Master of Pain: Tried this at level 4, basically who needs styles when you crit every other round :) Level 4 gives you a crit change of 30%, base is 10% level 4 +20%, I think. So if you manage to get two swings in most of the time, on average you should crit at least once every other rounds.

Dodger: Tried this at level 4, should give an evade chance of 5% (Base for evade I) + 12% (4 levels at 3% per level) = 17%, that's effectively Evade III+. Works nicely, got 4 rocots attacking me, I was evading like mad, the animation barely stopped ;)

Toughness: With 163 con (With bonuses) I got 41 extra hits buying level I of this. I have read on the US boards that your actually stats at the time of purchase affect the amount of hits you get, I ddin't have a cleric around to test this though

First Aid: Tested this at level I. Basically a bit worthless, you need to drop out of combat and wait 2 seconds (Yes you can use it even if YOU are getting hit, as long as you aren't hitting something) then hit first aid. Gave me between 90 and 125 hits. Let's face it if you need to use that in combat the 2 second cast time is enough to take more than the ability heals. Of course you have to have first aid at level 2 to get ignore pain.

Anyone tested anything else?



You could probably pass on ignore pain since you are always grouped with a Pally who will have Faith Heal :)


Originally posted by Javai
You could probably pass on ignore pain since you are always grouped with a Pally who will have Faith Heal :)

Yeah but when she's rezzing the entire Albion army single handed I won't be getting Faith Healed ;)



IP is a tricky choice. Couple reasons, the long timer - mercs know all about this from drity tricks, secondly I'm not a solo class meaning if my support dies I do too most likely. Granted IP should allow me to live a little longer, but if the battle is going that badly I'm going down whatever. Will people be forced to get it to remain competative? Yes. Noone can defeat a tank class 1on1 that has a 100% self heal without having one themselves.


I still think the best bet for all tanks is to group with Paladins ;)

Of course I migth be biased just a little:p


Originally posted by K0nah
IP is a tricky choice. Couple reasons, the long timer - mercs know all about this from drity tricks, secondly I'm not a solo class meaning if my support dies I do too most likely. Granted IP should allow me to live a little longer, but if the battle is going that badly I'm going down whatever. Will people be forced to get it to remain competative? Yes. Noone can defeat a tank class 1on1 that has a 100% self heal without having one themselves.

Actually some fellow said his merc killed a hero that used both IP and Moose form (I imagine he got very lucky..)

If you spend the 23 points for ignore pain on other stuff you might have the edge (combined with dirty tricks) to beat the other tank...


I agree if you're group is going down then it's probably not much use, but the number of times I've been within seconds of killing that bard/caster before dying is painful. I'm usually the first one to die, if Appollo isn't around to race me, because I go in to interrupt the casters, IP might allow me to life through the battle and gain the RPs I don't normally get as my group mop up.

Having said all that if they've all got IP aswell it's not going to make a blind bit of difference.

It was so simple leveling there wasn't a choice, slash dual wield, rest in parry, RAs are making my head hurt :)



Originally posted by Fingoniel
Actually some fellow said his merc killed a hero that used both IP and Moose form (I imagine he got very lucky..)

If you spend the 23 points for ignore pain on other stuff you might have the edge (combined with dirty tricks) to beat the other tank...

Yeh I agree, which is why I dont currently have IP. I may respec to get it @RR5 depending on how I see it perform "in the field" as it were. Most of the ppl I saw use it tonight died 3-5 seconds later anyway (as i suspected) so a wasted 23points (and 30min wait). Obviously on some occaisons it could be a group/lifesaver but most of the time it wont make any difference at all to the outcome. First Aid 2 is a big disappoinment, 60% heal my arse - for a caster maybe. Seems to heal 200-250 hits give or take. Waste of 6 points its going! :p


Originally posted by Talifer
I agree if you're group is going down then it's probably not much use, but the number of times I've been within seconds of killing that bard/caster before dying is painful.

More than once every half hour on a busy nite I'm sure ;)


Originally posted by K0nah

More than once every half hour on a busy nite I'm sure ;)

Yeah but it'll take me half an hour to get back from Pryd bridge anyway :)

Happened another umpteen times last night, "one more hit, one more hit, arrrrrrrrrrgh!" :)



I think some of the best abilities for mercs are the following
and ill try to explain why.

1st Aug Dex 2 ( 4 points ) allows you to get MoP and DR , plus an extra 12 points to dex is nice.

2nd Determination 2 ( 4 points ) reduces mez , root , sname by
15% per lvl , giving you a 30% reduction all of the time . Now
supposedy with the next patch 1.52 ( I beleive were getting both 1.51 and 1.52 together ) mezz effect is slightly reduced , so as long as your on the edge of the mezz spell , you could get a reduction of up to 50% of the rezz. For 4 points I beleive this is certainly a must.

3 rd I went for Master of pain 2 ( 4 points ) increased my Crit stike by 10 % . For me these are the results , I was generally hitting for an extra 30- 70 points every 3rd swing . ( this is me at 43 lvl ,slash 42 dw 41 ) now as I go up the lvls to 50 this damage factor will increase to and it helps me against mobs aswell.

Now after this comes the tricky part 3 options realy

1 go for first aid 2 ( 9 points ) and Ignore pain ( 10 points )
although a lot of points it gives you 60% hit points per lvl out of
combat ( although some say this is slighly wrong and it actually
gives less than 60 around 40 ,but to be honest im not sure ) and Ignore pain full hp regen in combat every 30 min . Which can save you quite alot when you suddenly have full hps again .

2 get purge ( 10 points ) negates all negative effects. very handy
for negating ress sick and mezzs , plus you get to spend 9 more points on other realm abilities..

3 go completly offensive bring up duelist refexes / mop / tireless 3 ( only realy noticable at lvl 3 ) aug str / aug con / aug dex / regeneration etc and just concentrate on kicking ass , and pray that you are wily enough to avoid mezzs etc or that your fellow
grp mates will have grp purge to save you from evil mezzs.

Anyway thats just my 2 yoyos worth on Realm abilities for mercs
have fun out their !!



Originally posted by statix
I think some of the best abilities for mercs are the following
and ill try to explain why.

1st Aug Dex 2 ( 4 points ) allows you to get MoP and DR , plus an extra 12 points to dex is nice.

Yeah MoP and DR are nice, my only gripe with these is the prerequisite of Aug Dex, great if you are thrust, but I'm slash resulting in Aug Dex being a complete waste of 4 points. I'd much rather have been able to put those 4 points into Str or Qui

Originally posted by statix

1 go for first aid 2 ( 9 points ) and Ignore pain ( 10 points )

Ignore Pain is 14 points

I forgot to post my experiments with Void, I'll try and remember to post those stast, the damage is quite nice, but really as a class defining RA it's pants compared to some of the others.

I'm still very unsure as to what to pick.
Purge/Determination is a no brainer, must have, but do I go

a) First Aid II (9), Ignore Pain (14) (23 points)
b) Aug Dex II (4), MoP II (4), DR II (4), Aug Qui II (4), Dodger II (4) (20 points)

At the moment I'm running around with no RA purchases to see which would help/save me more.



Toughness: With 163 con (With bonuses) I got 41 extra hits buying level I of this. I have read on the US boards that your actually stats at the time of purchase affect the amount of hits you get, I ddin't have a cleric around to test this though

Is this right? I assumed it was +3% of whatever your normal hits are and scaled up as you levelled, is it in fact then a mere one-off hit points bonus ? If so then surely the aug-con is better?

Isn't there a respecc command too?


Yeh to respec ur RA's just type "/respec realm" you can only do this twice tho. So make sure u have a good think about what u want to change to, and why, before doing it.

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