Realm abilities for Ments - Severing the Tether



My spec at 50 (almost there) will be 46 Mana, 28 Light.
I have RA's Augmented Acquity 2 and Wild Arcana 1 and another 9 points waiting to be spend.

I suppose that STT costs 10 points (although the specialised ments 'MyPetMage' says it costs 14) and this is a lot !

- I know the theory on STT, but can anyone tell me from their own experience, if they're worth it, cause you can do a lot of other things with 10 pts ?
- Is it still/always on a 15 mins timer ?
- What happens with charmed mobs, do they attack till the next charm pulse (then it's useless), or what ?


I have Severing the Tether and can say it's worth the 10 points. Several times I have killed cabalists/sorcerors/spiritmasters without even casting at them as a result of this RA. The only problem with it is that it is very situation specific, you can often go rvr and never see any pet classes and wonder if those 10 points were best spent elsewhere.

Yes it's still on a 15 minute timer however there is a slight bug with StT that allows you to cast it many times, although I don't think it's in my best interests to go about explaining how in game bugs work :)

StT works as it should do against Sorcerors, Spiritmasters, Cabalists and if you time it right you can turn several Theurgist pets against them. There are still problems with Minstrels as their charm is pulse based and they will recharm the mob next pulse. With Bonedancers I believe only the commander pet will attack it's owner but all the other pets die so it's still very useful against them. StT cannot be used against Necromancers.

If you play on the PvP server then enchanters suddenly aren't the most overpowered class in the game ;)

Hope this helps.


hehe, ever seen stt used on a BD? its fun to watch, all the healers die then the buffed to hell commander twats the owner to hell and back cos it styles :p


You still need to be carefull with boney's even after StT...they can still drop you with insta-lifetaps/interrupts.

But it is fun to watch them panic :)

Also, StT v nice versus hunter and pets, which destealth em....stun nuke nuke...

Mael, 50th ment.


No you don't want it!

<-- poor body/spirit cab :(

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