Realm abilities for Ments - Mystic Crystal Lore



My spec at 50 (almost there) will be 46 Mana, 28 Light.
I have RA's Augmented Acquity 2 and Wild Arcana 1 and another 9 points waiting to be spend.

I don't have MCL yet cause I have MR 4 (will have MR 5 soon) and I have a staff focus 50 lvl Light and 50 lvl Mana. Therefor my use of power is less then normal. Compared to an Eldritch with MCL, we are more or less equal in Power consumption.

- Is MCL for me a must have in RVR ?
- Is Serenity for me a must have in RVR ?
- Should I have both ?
- What's the difference between both ?
- Do they come on top of my MR 5 ?
- Isn't it better to spend points to 'kill capacities' or 'stay alive' capacities, you can always rest (power) after the fight ?


I would recommend Serenity 2 and MCL 1 for any mage class.

Serenity stacks on top of any mana regen spell or song and MCL's instead mana boost is handy for a variety of reasons. Especially in long fights (keep/relic attacks/defences) where you don't want to be sat around for 5 minutes waiting for power to return, not least because you are very vunerable whilst sitting.

This is what I have at the moment: (being a mana mentalist you'd need Wild Arcana instead of Wild Power)

Augmented Acuity 2
Augmented Dexterity 1
Serenity 2
Severing the Tether
Wild Power 3
Mastery of Magery 2
Avoidance of Magic 2


Serenity is gimp for a mana mentalist. You don't get enough return for the points.

FWIW I have:
Augmented Acuity 2
Wild Power 1
Mastery of Magery 1
Avoidance of Magic 1
Wild Arcania 4
Toughness 1


get serenity 1 atleast, only 1pts
only get MCL2 if ur planning on RP


1 point that could be better spent (even lifter is better). Don't forget you have mana regen 5 you can cast on yourself. :p

Roo Stercogburn

If MCL hadn't got nerfed, I'd definately say take it: all the power regen in the world doesn't matter when you're in a combat and need that bit of extra juice to finish off your enemies.

However, given that you can only use it between combats now, its debatable if its worth bothering about for a class with a good mana regen. I'd say get something else tbh - 3 points is a lot of use on other things, for most abilities, its the 2nd level of an RA.

I like Serenity, but don't play a class with constant access to power regen, even my Hib toons, so don't know.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
If MCL hadn't got nerfed, I'd definately say take it: all the power regen in the world doesn't matter when you're in a combat and need that bit of extra juice to finish off your enemies.

However, given that you can only use it between combats now, its debatable if its worth bothering about for a class with a good mana regen. I'd say get something else tbh - 3 points is a lot of use on other things, for most abilities, its the 2nd level of an RA.

U can use it while the rest of group in combat there is a delay 15 sec ?(havent timed it) but still useable. Better to have it than not

j000 d000d

MCL 1 replenishes much more power next patch.


stt for all those bonegimps running around :great:

Qte Eth

hms mcl 1 is almost best thing mage can get of all those sucky ra they get access to..


Spam the button when your changing position (if you dont move around your probbly dead already) and you'll probably find it a bit more useful, especially if your a light mage and in most group v group battles you'll shoot all your mana bar in an encounter.

Lafala Arifel

I only have the first level of Wild Arcana at the moment, but I've got a few points to spend and was thinking about raising this RA.

The only thing I've noticed with it is that whenever my DoTs critical, they seem to have a higher chance of being resisted (I'm not sure if this really is the case, could just seem that way). I see this way too often:

Your DOT criticals for an additional 80 points!
The xx resists the effect!

Which is really frustrating :p

And on another point, I have mana regen 5 + serenity 2 and I'd have to say that yes, it's very pointless, and I wish I could get those pointsback :p
They stack, but at levels of crack 4 onwards, it's such a minimal difference that is just isn't worth it.

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