Realm Abilities - A Question (or two)



Hi all,

Just a couple of questions really. Ive been looking at the realm abilities that we are due to get in 1.51D (I think it is). for the ranger this is volley and longshot. my question is mainly concerning what do the realm abilities rely on as pre-requisits, ie im guessing these skills are going to rely on your bow skill and your realm rank. Does anyone know what the bow skills need to be?, or what realm rank we get them at?.

Any webpage links, or information would be gratefully appreciated.



The general opinion on the american boards on longshot and volley is that 1) they suck, and 2) archers shouldn't have to buy them as realm abilities when they should have been earned with high bow spec.

Longshot = "it's a long shot that you'll hit anything"

Volley is kind of dumb because you can't pick your best target (it's ground targeted). If you are for some crazy reason shooting at a group you at least want to be trying to kill the healer, not waste arrows shooting at the shield-bearing tanks. Apparently volley can be fun if you use it on a lone target, because all the arrows will go on that one victim. But on the whole your realm points would probably be best spent elsewhere for now, especially if Mythic agrees to put these skills back in the bow spec (where they belong).


What do you mean 'back to bow spec' and 'where they belong'. Mythic desings the game, not you ;P

But yes... I don't think those skills are that usefull if you consider the points they cost. Unless you have too many RPs like Eleasias ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Sarnat
What do you mean 'back to bow spec' and 'where they belong'. Mythic desings the game, not you ;P

Fact is that Longshot, Volley etc. should have been part of bowspec initially. Mythic shunned the additional work (?) or the release was due etc. etc. and left it out... people complained en masse, so they implemented it as a cookie.. get enough rp and you'll get something that should have been yours anyway...

Same with the hunter, damnit... I want my Kobold being able to shapechange - as promised by Mythic.


Originally posted by Alrindel
Apparently volley can be fun if you use it on a lone target, because all the arrows will go on that one victim.
OMG? You serious :D
Awesome hehe... "OMG A RED TANK, all 5 scouts fire a volley"
*thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*


What do you mean 'back to bow spec' and 'where they belong'. Mythic desings the game, not you ;P
As has been pointed out, longshot and volley were in the original design but not yet implemented when they decided to put them in as realm abilities instead.

I don't want to turn this into another whiney "archers have been overnerfed" thread - i doubt anyone who doesn't play one as their main has any sympathy at all for us. But I'll just say that I really hope Mythic changes the direction they are taking the archer classes in the next patch or two. They should either try to find some way to compromise and give us some way to do the scouting and skulking we were supposed to be doing, or rename the class to Bowman, let us wear scale armour and put us on the light tank damage table so we can at least make SOME useful contribution in RvR to the groups they now say we should be playing in. Pretending that a rogue with cardboard armour, a slow ranged attack and sharpened butter knives for melee combat is supposed to be on the front lines of the battlefield is just daft.

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