really gone downhill


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
well i was keeping my cave shammy in thid for messing around on, been there a few months..logged on lunch around solo..
NS + hero
NS + 2 rangers
bard + ranger + reaver ?!
hero + 2 rangers
bard + chanter + ?

does no1 solo any more ? just pointless mini groups ganking, well, have a round of applause and a cookie, im off to lvl cos frankly its pointless. ill be back with a group friendly toon, get some mates and return the favour.
hope the "has been killed recently and is worth fuck all" was worth the effort..

feel free to add your mindless *qq* etc , its the sort of retarded response ive come to expect, . . .what happened to all the decent community spirit from the last 2 plus years to turn it into such a shit state ? :mad:

bring back decent players and less 12 year old mentality wankers


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Too be honest mate I think all 3 realms are guilty of this at the moment.
For a few days last week mids were running a fg around,making it pointless for me soloing on inf,but then again I saw albs doing the other day and thought to myself "as if the odd mid/hib are gonna stay out there with near alb fg running about.
I guess the cluster has done this,but there are still some good community players still out there mate honest :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
I solo all the time on my ns i will be online 2moz but as u being a shammy you would stand much chance against me ns


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Dandare said:
Too be honest mate I think all 3 realms are guilty of this at the moment.

yeah completely, just happened to be hibs this morning, but i know all 3 realms do it.. wouldnt dream of claiming otherwise, and likewise its often certain people rather than guilds etc.. so im not name dropping anyone... you get muppets on all sides :)
just a pity its got like this.

but a whole 2 replies without a QQ ?! theres hope yet :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
My inf is the badest mofo to ever walk the plains of thid and you lot know it.
He is invincible and I use everything to my advantage by doing walk-through,streafing and swapping weopens so fast you won't see my hands move at all for sure.Anyway I'm bored of thid cos I am the king so I started playing the flute.And you know I'm the badest mofo to ever grace a flute for sure.I will become world famous and the best flute player in history just like my inf was the best ever.I will include videos shortly of me pwning on the flute.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 I'm turning into Thugs!!!!11111
<runs quickly and pours all alcohol down the sink>

Happy new year guys :)


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Mabs said:
what happened to all the decent community spirit from the last 2 plus years to turn it into such a shit state ? :mad:

WoW + Toa and this board killed off the daoc community


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Dandare said:
My inf is the badest mofo to ever walk the plains of thid and you lot know it.
He is invincible and I use everything to my advantage by doing walk-through,streafing and swapping weopens so fast you won't see my hands move at all for sure.Anyway I'm bored of thid cos I am the king so I started playing the flute.And you know I'm the badest mofo to ever grace a flute for sure.I will become world famous and the best flute player in history just like my inf was the best ever.I will include videos shortly of me pwning on the flute
rofl, very good :D


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dandare said:
My inf is the badest mofo to ever walk the plains of thid and you lot know it.
He is invincible and I use everything to my advantage by doing walk-through,streafing and swapping weopens so fast you won't see my hands move at all for sure.Anyway I'm bored of thid cos I am the king so I started playing the flute.And you know I'm the badest mofo to ever grace a flute for sure.I will become world famous and the best flute player in history just like my inf was the best ever.I will include videos shortly of me pwning on the flute.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 I'm turning into Thugs!!!!11111
<runs quickly and pours all alcohol down the sink>

Happy new year guys :)

Duel my ns imo il be on most of day 2moz, what name of your inf? and hi broken:) MKJ is pure entertainment!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
My inf is the badest mofo to ever walk the plains of thid and you lot know it.
He is invincible and I use everything to my advantage by doing walk-through,streafing and swapping weopens so fast you won't see my hands move at all for sure.Anyway I'm bored of thid cos I am the king so I started playing the flute.And you know I'm the badest mofo to ever grace a flute for sure.I will become world famous and the best flute player in history just like my inf was the best ever.I will include videos shortly of me pwning on the flute.

Why have yu taken up the Flute? - fooking crap! Now a mouth organ - yeah. Ditch the flute and go for the mouth organ :) .

Hey been playing a year - take a look at this piece I am trying to master - finger picking mind - I'se really is too good for most guitarists now. Who can believe it eh.

Amazing guitar playing.

Another week and it should be nice and sweet.
But to play a flute - sheeeeeet!
You gonna get nowhere fast if you does that
End up looking like a real t***

Not likes me though cos I awesome througout
Tis why I was the king


Yeah :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Elkie said:
Duel my ns imo il be on most of day 2moz, what name of your inf? and hi broken:) MKJ is pure entertainment!
To be honest mate my claims to be best inf and elite flute player were meant as a joke but I'll roll my inf out in thid later name is Dandarnt :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You can't really expect a Assasin/Melee person to go after a Shamie solo, i tried with my Armsman..... Dot Sprint, Dot Sprint, Dot Sprint, Sod this i;m going back to the apk to get healed, Shaman Laughs at you.


Aug 23, 2005
Bubble said:
You can't really expect a Assasin/Melee person to go after a Shamie solo, i tried with my Armsman..... Dot Sprint, Dot Sprint, Dot Sprint, Sod this i;m going back to the apk to get healed, Shaman Laughs at you.
dey hav skeelz u c?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Elkie said:
I solo all the time on my ns i will be online 2moz but as u being a shammy you would stand much chance against me ns
Funny that really I could have sworn I saw you grped in pink when you came ganking my scout(solo) with 4 others about dinnertime today,98% sure but then you logged a chanter?? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dandare said:
Funny that really I could have sworn I saw you grped in pink when you came ganking my scout(solo) with 4 others about dinnertime today,98% sure but then you logged a chanter?? :)

I know im a twat as they where irl m8s so they asked me to come with em i couldnt say no but then i felt like an idiot playing my ns in grp so i loged my eld:) i had some ok fights yesterday got some nice footege of a mid zerg 10-12 of em chasing me around all of thid 4tw.

- I saw you grped in pink- Whats wrong with pink:<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Elkie said:
I know im a twat as they where irl m8s so they asked me to come with em i couldnt say no but then i felt like an idiot playing my ns in grp so i loged my eld:) i had some ok fights yesterday got some nice footege of a mid zerg 10-12 of em chasing me around all of thid 4tw.

- I saw you grped in pink- Whats wrong with pink:<
Nothing wrong with pink :)
I'm playing a scout at the moment due to mid zergs,not much point in playing my inf,but if I see you solo out there mate I'll log him in :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dandare said:
Nothing wrong with pink :)
I'm playing a scout at the moment due to mid zergs,not much point in playing my inf,but if I see you solo out there mate I'll log him in :)

Aye pink is u can say my trademark so u know its me with pink weaps and cloakxD im around some days but not alot due to usa servers


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Elkie said:
Duel my ns imo il be on most of day 2moz, what name of your inf? and hi broken:) MKJ is pure entertainment!

thats a though NS, :) (found a ring that will cap my body and con mate, gif rematch :p we 1 all atm ?)

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