Real Life™ Thread



Now I have a new keyboard, I can type a resonable amount at last, so here is the Real Life™ Thread. I've made one or two of these in other forums in the past, and the idea is, just post about how your day has been, what sort of things you do, etc.

Hopefully it should relieve some stress for everyone, and we can all get to know each other better without resorting to flames :rolleyes:

Obviously these type of threads are generally more active during week days, but we'll see. You could view this as customer support for your life in fact ;)


Hehe, cool idea.
Nothing today so I'll just describe yesterday.
Wake up... ~13:00 and I was waiting to go pick up some friends of my girlfriends since they needed a ride to go see her volleyball game. Anyway, after that I came home and went to start off the drinking at a cheap bar, 0,5L 2.3€ :)
Then we moved on to YO-House from where I went to another club and then finally at 4am I wander home... how fascinating.
'll post again tomorrow as to what I did :p
Most likely I will be mentally tormented from my biology exams.


My day

I awoke (6pm) and went down for beef tartar as breakfeast. Now up infront of the computer again, and is once again supposed to be doing biology journals :D

Will i do them, or will i waste another day on this forum...time will show!


My weekly planner

*opens little black book*

Monday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Tuesday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Wednesday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Thursday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Friday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Saturday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Opened my cards. Went up town. Got a new game. Went to the docks. Got pissed

Sunday - Woke up. Made breakfast. Switched on PC. Connected to the internet. Played DAoC.

Neural Network

Woke up.
Went to the doctor.
Got operated.
Lying on couch all day in pain feeling sorry for myself wasting the weekend away. :(

Halo | NS

Woke up.

Killed some kittens.

Went to sleep.


Get up have a shower,
Look in mirror for about 10 mins, noticeing how cool i am,
Get hit by reality by my girl-friend,
Have something to eat,
Look in E-mail
Look in forums
Realise its Sunday, and start makeing a Roast (doh)

A)Phone up mates, pop down the pub,
B)Stay in and sit off, with my girl, play some daoc, chat on irc,forums

My life really is boring ernt it?
Maby i should get a pet monkey...


El_coolio wasnt you FatBastard?...or did you get your name changed because it had Bastard in it?


Changed it,

As I is now.....


Expect a Cool avatar when me can find one...


*Drags the thread back on topic by it's mangy collar*

Well, today I got up...

...checked various forums, read for a while, played Age of Mythology...

...had lunch, set up my new keyboard, played DAoC, checked forums again, played DAoC, played Age of Mythology...

...Had tea, Dungeon Siege, tried to write, checked forums...

Which brings us to here...


played Age of Mythology...

Going off-topic, but Can you play this Online,

I used to, but now i get all the time...

ESO is not accepting Login requests..

:( I want to play it Online badly.


Yes I can, but it's dodgy thanks to my router. Have another shot at logging on to it, it wasn't working a few days ago/last week, but should do now.


normal day, not including biology:

Wake up.
Go school. (little late)
Go home with a few mates.
Play computer (we have about 4 at my house at any time)
Sit down and play daoc while more friends come.
Eventually change to Quake 3 or Warcraft 3 for a while.
Either go bowl, watch a movie, go sport-something oooor simply sit in front of the computer whole day with my mates.
Go to bed (little late)
Have at least two people sleeping over at any time :D
Dream that i had a girl.
back to step one


bit of a trek here

woke up around 9.30am saturday, shower then daoc, went to bed 06.30am sunday, was up again at 10am (bloody coffee started working again) been playing daoc since it is now 5am monday and I´m about to go to bed ;) sleep tight


Well, It'd Monday morning now, but here's what I did Sunday and what I intend to do today:

Sunday: Got up 8am, Fed our oldest child (2½) chilled out on the sofa under a Duvet and watched TV for an hour.
Fiance got up a later with our 2nd child and we all had brekky and then watched "Gattaca".

Spent from midday to 3pm alternating between chiling with the family and playing on my PC.

Sunday 4pm, went to a friend's place for a visit and stayed until 7pm. Lots of screaming kids running all over the place.

Got home, put the first child to bed, 2nd child crashed out on sofa for a bit. Fiance and I decided to re-organise the office.
Yay, I found about 20 CD's of games and stuff I lost a few months earlier..

Got up at 6am, drove to work, In for 7am.
Will work all day.
Will go home at 3pm and will take home a 19" monitor that my company is lending me, yay...New gaming monitor..:).
After kids are put back to bed, finish organising Office and install new monitor, and play game for an hour or two.
After that, eat, chill out and goto bed.


I kinda forgot to go to bed, was 9.30 when I did, and 've just gotten up again ;)

I'm a sick feck :p


known situation :D

Originally posted by Octanion
I kinda forgot to go to bed, was 9.30 when I did, and 've just gotten up again ;)

I'm a sick feck :p

Sleep is overestimated :D

If sleep was needed, you would have fainted by now.
Even if im up for days, i have enough trouble sleeping to end up :wall: if i dare try before 3am with school the next day.



Dragged myself out of bed 7.15. Semi-dozed in the hot shower for 20 mins. Got dressed and went outside. Got hit by the snowstorm raging outside and asked myself why the heck I even got out of bed today. Dug up my bike from under the snow and dashed off. Got to work 30 mins later after almost breaking arms and legs falling off the bike a few times. Had a cuppa coffee, trying to defrost. Did some work for about 45 mins, then surfed the net until lunch. Went to lunch with a couple of of guys at work. Did some work again for about 1 hour, then back to surfing the net.

Now I just hope it will stop snowing until I end my working day in 2 hours. Doesnt look too good though. :(


This day, as long as it has lasted, has been reeeeally interesting one.

Woke up at roughly 3pm.

Watched TV.

Went to the shop.

Watched some TV.

Went through BW.


And so it continues :p


1. Woke up and admired the nice snow outside.
2. Got the phone call telling me that work was off because the machinery had frozen over.
3. Annoyed the missus by stripping down to my underwear and walking casually around the house saying, "I wonder what I'll do today..."
4. Got my clothes back on.
5. Went outside and started to make a snowman.
6. Got bored and kicked it head off and used it as a football.
7. Went inside and played DAOC.
8. Tidied up the house a bit.
9. Played some more DAOC.
10. Started reading the forums (Just now)



11. Annoyed the missus by stripping down to my underwear and playing DAoC. :D


3. Annoyed the missus by stripping down to my underwear and walking casually around the house saying, "I wonder what I'll do today..."

Yes, i used to enjoy a morning walk in my underwear, but my girl friend keeps moaning,

Its so unfair :(

And, am going to move, all i get is Cold weather, no snow, Rain,Hail stones, but never snow, tis so depressing when looking on the weather.

Teh Fonz!!1

1). Woke up this morning, feeling fine.

2). Remembered I've got something special on my mind.

3). I met a new girl last night, she lives in my neighbourhood.

4). Fuck me man, something tells me I'm into something good.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.Tohtori

11. Annoyed the missus by stripping down to my underwear and playing DAoC. :D

12. Getting locked up in the shed™ for browsing BW.


No! No! Not TeH SheD™!

*shakes uncontrollabley*


Good luck :D

Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
1). Woke up this morning, feeling fine.

2). Remembered I've got something special on my mind.

3). I met a new girl last night, she lives in my neighbourhood.

4). Fuck me man, something tells me I'm into something good.

Go get her tiger :D But dont bite her leg while you growl :)

And..rofl at stripping to underwear and any the miss :D
Me want a miss to anoy with that too! =)


monday :

1) oversleep

2) get late to work
browse BW al day long and anoy friends on msn

3) go to mothers house
pick up washed clothes and drop durty ones off,
Do some shopping in mothers freezer fridge and store room (hope she has beer left)

4) go home
switch on TV, switch on DaoC, open a beer, start laptop log on irc

5) sleep


1) woke up at 1.30 or something, read forums, played on daoc...
2) lunch, daoc again
3) stopped playing daoc, checked forums, booked driving lessons

Fun, eh?

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