Readers Feedback: Atari on Demand


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Regular forum poster SoWat takes a look at the new Atari's new download game concept:

I subscribed for a month to have a runaround the games. To cut a long story short I've now unsubscribed (Atari will refund the monthly fee if an account is cancelled within 72 hours of opening).

The games are old. I don't mean last years hits, but last century's.

The initial download required to play a game ranges from 45mb to over 300mb. This is tiresome enough on a 2mb cable connection, and I can't imagine anyone trying this on a slower connection (not more than once anyway).

Some of the games are badly behaved. Missile Command changed my mouse cursor, Beach Head shuffled all my icons across the screen as it changed resolution (it also was the slowest loading game).

The Atariondemand concept is a good one, but ultimately flawed. Games good enough to tempt people to sign up will require such a huge initial download that nobody will bother. This will remain true no matter what the connection, as game size is increasing much faster than broadband.

I would certainly use the ondemand concept for applications, as it's a good idea. Shame the game side of it isn't.

Cheers, SoWat

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