


Well we all know what happened to the first Dragon attempt of Albion. I think it is time for a rematch. (Want this dragon dead before new update). And this time only people who are able and who can will come with us only (no sight-seeying-people or I'm just there for the fun people with us.. sorry but you all saw what happened before...).

So I wanna see if people are up for it. I think saturdays would be the best day again. Maybe Mallus wanna lead us again with some other co-leaders as well?


i would suggest sundaynite plz :)

(lots of ppl are gone during weekends but almost everyone is home at a sundayevening....)


sounds good

I agree with only ppl that can do anything, but what is the min lvl that someone can help?


Do we need more ppl then we had last raid?

I just think 40+ (43+ after this week ;) ) ppl should be invited and should leave in groups of 25~50 to dartmoor to prevent a server crash...


I think 40+ would be a very nice amount of people. And the smaller groups I find a very good idea. About any group can get to those pounders & stonelords I think. Getting past them is the hardest part of the journey I think. It would be nice if we could discuss this someday in a chatgroup.

Herbal Remedy

40+ = still about 200 people on the server so should still be a good turn out
pls pls pls those lower dont turn up we all want to see the dragon killed but if we turn up in such huge numbers we all know what happens server crash :( 40+ are the only ones able to hit the dragon anyone lower are just adding to lag and adding to the chance of a zone over load


Now, I have no clue if GOA will reply to the request. But it might be a nice idea to let GOA know that we are going to do this, and either give us an estimate on how many ppl can enter a zone in what time frame. Or have someone from GOA standby to make sure the dragon is there when we are.

It's the least we can expect for our money ;)


good idea, wedge! GOA should be involved, so we can blame them without mercy, if it happens again that golestandt doesnt show up :)


i see your point of view about lower lvls not welcoime to come due to the probems u guys had last time but.... if you were to collect just the high lvl s "btw ive heard ONLY 45+ can hit dragon" the lower lvls would still follow . the dragon is prolly the last big event for albion that hasnt been completed . and my guess is when/if you kill the dragon it wont be organised again for a lond long time because the highe lvls will say to themselves "we've killed it once no need to kill it again" hence the lower lvlls that stayed away will NEVER get to see th dragon slayed again :(i personally dont care cos when u killing dragon ill be in excaliber watching over our relic. butim sure lower lvls will still come and as i said above i apreciate your arguements for them not to come . but imo i think its also a tad selfish telling them they cant come and see th biggestevent on our realm ,


Just had my first exam today and they will be finished pretty soon (21st June). So if you can wait two or three more weeks I will come back and plan another raid. I already have names of all the guild leaders with 40+ members from the previous raid attempt so it should be much easier to organise this time. Otherwise, you can organise it yourself if you can't be arsed to wait ;)

Have fun and see ya all in a few weeks!


litle letter i got from support
Response (CS) - 06/03/2002 04:09 PM
Greetings ******.

This incident is most regretable. The server crashed as you say in your report.
There is currently a problem with that high an amount of players in 1 zone. It
is the same for all servers including the US ones when they were in version

The next patch holds a fix for this that should allow a much higher number of
players in one zone without the high chance of crashing that we see currently.
Again, this problem is not related to Excalibur or to the European version. We
may get a fix in before the next patch as this has very high priority. We are
actively working on solving this problem.

I hope that reassures you we take this very seriously and wont let the problem

Best regards,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support
The problem will be solved, BUT when new patch gets here the dragon will kinda be immortal(almost). so it is good with only lvl 40+, because if lvl 40-45 can't dmg it(do not know anything about this myself) then there is some stonelords and elders that might need some spanking. So when dragon is going to die, only lvl 40+ plz. The guild "The Royal Guard" will be there(lvl40+only of course:D ) and everything will be allright.:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


ah, the dragon is getting more tough in the next patch(es)?
didnt know that. one reason more not to wait any longer :clap:
count us in, we will be there with our 40+ ppls...
please contact me (Eraser) or our guildmaster (Tempestblade) in game when the date is validated or any other infos about the dragonraid are out..thx :)


We need the 45+ for the dragon and the 40-44 for controling those lame giants that pop here and there.

VV is of course in on any action (can i bring Molly) ;)


Still on? when

Umm this topic gone little slack its dropped to second page of forums. I missed out on the last raid as I was away but keen to attend another try.

Is the raid still on for the weekend and if so which day and at what time ?


I would say saterday evening between 20:00 and 22:00 CET.


How to rid yourself of soem of the lowbies

If you get a lot of stills from the battle against the dragon and make a thread with 'em, that may keep some lowbies away.

I cant attend yet, a bit too low.


Order Of Camelot

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