


In an effort to get to know JK2 better i am trying to find a decent rcon guide. Unfortunately despite the many jedi's out there i cannot find such a thing, anyone come across one on their travels?


no m8 sorry.... i knew a few... what are you looking for? anything in particular?

edit/ doesn't "cmdlist" list them all or something?

You could go into the jk2 folder /gamesdata and there should be a file called "jk2mpcfg" or something

that might have a good few of the commands


BigFoot which commands are you after?

The main ones off the top of my head are

rconpassword <Password> - Must be set to ID yourself as an Admin to the server. Rcon stands for REMOTE CONSOL. Once you have the correct RCONPASSWORD you can then begin to use the rcon commands. Without the correct password you get an "Invalid Rcon Password" (or something like that) returned.

Rcon Map <MAPNAME> - Changes the map on the server e.g FFA_Bespin FFA_Yavin CTF_Imperial FFA_Imperial etc. I cant remember how to list the maps that are available :(

Rcon Map_restart - Restarts the current map

Rcon g_gametype <number>

0=Free For All
2=Jedi Master
5=Team Free For All
7=Capture the Flag
8=Capture the Ysalimari

Weapondisable info
Rcon g_weapondisable 0 enables all weapons

Rcon g_weapondisable 65531 disables all but the saber (NEVER TRIED THIS ONE THOUGH)

Rcon G_Speed - Changes server speed
Rcon G_Gravity - Changes server gravity

Rcon Status - Displays a list of the players currently connected to the server includes IP Address Name and Client Number.

Rcon Kick <Number> or <Name> - Some players use pain in the arse names when it comes to kicking.. eg "TM" sign etc so its probably easier to use the rcon status command and then kick by client number... example /Rcon Kick 1

rcon g_password <password> - Can be used to set the server password on the fly, if you kick someone because they're giving you problems and they just keep coming back causing more trouble.

For most rcon commands, if you just enter the command without any paramaters it will display the current and default settings for that Cvar.
rcon g_gravity on its own wil display:
G_Speed "250" Default "250"
Useful if you think the server is running a little fast and you would like to sort it out but you didn't know what the speed should be set at.

For more commands goto the forums at

Hope this helps


BTW.. My knowledge of the commands stem from Elite Force, the commands are the same, but defaults may vairy.

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