


As i write this its DT in malmo but im very very worried. There are No SM's about which means we have to go abck to the old fasioned peeler MA tactic. Thing is me being the healer i like it all to run smoothly. Cept i cant get it to work due to 75% of the ppl in group having no idea how and just spamming ae dot or attacking random mobs, they just wont understadn. Now im a bit worried about this as Lvl 49 players shud know how to get this to work. It seems PBAOE has runined midgard :( Ive been playing my healer sicne august and ive yet ot get my first lvl 50 but i sure as hell know how to play and thats cos i wasnt powerleveled up there. Anyway enuff of the rant on to soem help. For those who dont know here is how to run malmo properly:

Firstly you have a main CC (thats crowd control) this is normally a 45+ healer. You also have an MA (main attacker) this is normally highest tank and 2-3 Peelers (damage dealing tanks are good for this). All tanks and caster do this bind. /macro Targ /assist <insert name of MA> (as a side point thanes and skalds make good MA ull see why l8r).
Anyway, the puller pulls the mobs and the healer mezzes what he can. Now the MA pulls one mezzed mob (hence the skalds and thanes good). everyone then attacks the MA's mob until it dies then he pulls another. The peelers are there for when things go wrong. If a healer or caster starts to get hit the peelers take the aggro of the mob and then (and this is important) GO BACK TO HITTING THE MA MOB so the healer can remezz. This way everyone should live if u got decent peelers.

anyway thats all i can think of its so hard to explain when u been doin it so long please feel free to add stuff and or comment on why noone in midgard can use crowd control. (btw this sort of thing carries over to rvr too!!)



Had to do it last week when there were no SMs about. Worked fine. You just got a band malmo bunch.
By the way it's august now. So either you've been playing 4 days or you meant last august :p

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