Rant: Keep defence and people manning the walls..


Tesla Monkor

This is a pet peeve of me. Maybe it's just me, maybe not.

When defending a keep against invaders, I noticed that many people run up to the walls to take care of the people attacking the poor defenceless door. Some are actually useful on the wall, some not, and some are more of a liability than an asset.

Maybe I'm wrong in this, in many sieges I'm left wonderting why the hell people who don't have ranged attacks get up on the wall? (Curiousity overrules common sense. :)

On occasion, I've worked together with some archers. Stealth up, climb on wall, aim and shoot two-three times, then hop back out of sight of the attacks. Stealth up and repeat.

Inevitably, some dimwit wanders over to see what we're doing, and get targetted with an AE spell. Nuke/mezz/root, whatever, resulting in dead archers. That annoys me to no end. Some tanks are welcome, useful ever on the wall to take out the assassins, but they should remain back a bit, so they can't be targetted and draw AE spells on everyone else.

In light of previous anti-thane threads, I'd like to add that I LOVE thanes on the wall. One AE Hammer and I can critshot pretty much everything in range that doesn't have a bubble anymore, then. Go Thanes! :D


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor

In light of previous anti-thane threads, I'd like to add that I LOVE thanes on the wall. One AE Hammer and I can critshot pretty much everything in range that doesn't have a bubble anymore, then. Go Thanes! :D

50 and don't know magic attacks don't affect bladeturn?

Tesla Monkor

That's what you react to in the article? Well, treasure your knowledge. You'll be the smartest 50 around. I'm not perfect. :p


No but saying something as stupid as that kinda makes your work distrustful and you begin to wonder how much else of it that is just a fabrication of your imagination.

I can't help when I read a post or an article in a newspaper if I find something that is wrong I distrust the whole article.

Tesla Monkor

It was an addendum regarding thanes' role in keep defense. It's a shame it doesn't break PBT, since that would make the spell a lot more useful. (However, being 50 doesn't mean you know everything about the game, or other classes. Nor does twice 50, or three times 50. (Which I almost am.)

One learns something new every day.. I'm sure you can judge the rest of the article regarding truth or falsehood. (You'll have to, as it is a record of my own experiences. :)

Let's get back on the subject at hand.


If tanks its quite possible they are going up there to use Guard on the archers. To use Guard they have to stand right next to the archer. I could be wrong but if theres a scout or caster in my party on the wall then i'll usually go up to Guard them or get the crossbow out.


I get a lot of sends from people in keep defence telling me to get off the wall because I'm a paladin and can't do anything to the attackers outside. But usually the same people send me a thankyou after I rezzed them.

As a paladin I go up on the walls to rez people since most clerics are healing or smiting and don't have the power to rez someone in the middle of a defence. Also a paladin who is running his resist chant can give the people in his group a very high resist bonus that reduces the damage done by spells a lot and that also gives a higher chance of resisting those effects completely.

Also I tend to stand just out of view of the attackers so they can't use me to hurt the catsers with an aoe spell but I'll still be in range to rez anyone or for my chants to have effect.


hehe, shaman serves 2 purposes on walls

ae DOT, and boy do i like seeing synchronised twitching albs:p

and rezzing, i've got the same range as a healer, double up as a 2nd healer in normal grps, and if healer is mezzing, i'm doing the healing thing:)

I don't mind getting nuked every so often, but it's nice making their guys guess where i'm gonna stand next for a nice cast;)


I belong on da wall, fear my wall skills, (even tho they dont break PBT) :D

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