Rant about crafting.



Lets start with a little story.

"Hulbur was a happy troll. He had helped some friends of his in a epic adventure in Darkness Falls. They had together fought their way down to the deepest pits and slayed the deamon prince that lived there. For his efforts, Hulbur was given a two handed hammer, that the deamon prince had in his treasure hoard. Hulbur liked his deamon hammer. Sometimes it whispered good advice to him, like "Bash that man in platemail over there!"
Hulbur knew this was good advice, because that man was a Alb, and albs where only there to be bashed. Sometimes it whispered bad advice like "Bash that dwarf over there!" Hulbur knew this was bad advice, because that dwarf was a healer friend of Hulburs. So Hulbur decided that he would only use his deamon hammer when there was albs around. Or hibs! Hulbur didn't mind bashing hibs either.
But when Hulbur helped his friends bash monster, he used his old trusty Hammer of Black Ice. It did not glow pretty like the deamon hammer, but it didn't confuse Hulbur with bad advice either."

The moral of the story is about Duration. I use one hammer for mobs, one for RvR. I need to equip the weapon of choice and actually swing it, thereby slowly, but surely, wearing it down to the handle.

On the other hand, I bought a smiths hammer sometime around the 17th. Febuary, 2 days after release, and all i ever used it for, is to have it in my backpack and imagine I use it when crafting.

Why not make it so that you have to equip your smiths hammer, or sewing kit or whatever, and actually use it?

"But why would you want that, that would just be a terrible bother?" I hear you shout!

Because then you could make different tools with *gasp* magical properties!

Imagine a smithing hammer that had a +10 skill bonus to weapon/armor/fletching. So you could make items 10 points above you actual level.

Or the Epic Brilliant Balefire Smithing Hammer of 1337-ness with its +15 to all crafts, +3 chance to make an item and +1 to qua to the final product.

What crafter would have wet dreams about that hammer.

These are just idear of the top of my head. In short, give us crafters a bit more to do then just sit and watch the green bar moving over the screen while crossing our fingers for qua 98+


Nice story, nice idea :)

I don't see it happening soon, but they might think of some crafter loving soon....

Next patch already allows to craft 99-100% on oranges/reds.

+1 to quality won't happen. that would mean always an even chance between 95-100% with a small chance of getting a 101%.

Still, nice idea... very difficult to implement though... if im 895 + 10, do i get a new title? will that title be taken away when i unequip the hammer? Do i get to make the new materials?

Something to think about :)


your story certainly brought forth a LOL
tho I don't want you bashing poor albs :(
they're pathetic even without being smashed to pieces.

anyway. I really like your idea. how bout mailing it to Sanya? :)


Nice story :)

Im sure it would be too much work for Mythic to implement for too little gain, but its still an amusing story :clap:


The problem is that they would have do do new graphics for them. Maybe the smiths hammer wouldnt be to bad as they could have to use the standard attack animation to "attack" the anvil or something. <and even then it wouldnt look that good>. But the other crafts would require special sewing or adding chain etc animations. It would certainly improve realism, but since the ammount of crafters there are is a relatively small percentage of the total population, doubt Mythic would put it high up on their list of things to do. It is more a nice to have than a essential item. I can see some benefits, it would allow customers to see if you lost ingredients .. like the blade could explode when you are doing the combine if you lose a blade. But then again you really should be buying from a crafter who has the skill so the item is grey anyway so material loss is beside the point. Though I would agree that seeing your crafter making a weapon would be really great. Like pouring the molten metal into a mould and then shaping it on the anvil ... maybe have a queue for the forge :) ... erm maybe not.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I hate it when my sewing kit starts singing...

And on-topic *gasp* Nice ideas to make crafting more interesting.
*still wants to actually hunt for some ingridients*


Well, i really didnt intend for a actual animation.

It would be nice, but just equiping the item would be nice.

Would make it easier for potential customers to see what kind of crafter you are.

Make them equip in the 2-h slot and make 3 new items for each realm. One for each tool.

I know its a lot of work, and i also know it won't ever never be implemented. Just a funny thought really.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

Next patch already allows to craft 99-100% on oranges/reds.

But only if you have more than 1000 skill points?


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