Random shutdown




Ok machine specs

Gigabyte 7IXE
AMD Athlon 'slot A' 750
512 RAM
Fujitsu Hrd Disk 20 GB
Geforce 2 mx
Network Card
Sound Blaster live

The machine just keeps randomly shutting down, and whenever it does the fans keep buzzing etc. Its like it just turn into a pc version of a vegetable, only fixed by a power off, then restart.

When it goes into one of its 'vege' seizures the hard disk makes a contant click click click

and ideas as to what to do?


Sounds to me like you've got one of those dodgy fujitsu harddrives - see here for details.

Strangely Brown


Yup, your right dead hard disk controller..... so just bought me a new hard disk.... waa


Just to recap..

Well i thought it was my hard disk and although getting a new one got the pc back up a running its seems that the computer as problems all over it. Im getting the loverly 0x0000007 error and window crashes when reading from the CD-RW drive and DVD drive, the PC crashes sue to ACPI (i eventually changed to a standard system) random lockups, ATAPI crashes and a miriad of other problems.

I have put all this down to a motherboard gone bad, and have a felling that the last 2 years of the computer begin exposed to water moisture is the problem. (its located in a room which if the door is left open gets all the moist air from the shower room)

Sooooo, i have to save up so cash to get a new pc :(

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