Lazarus said:get yer flame retadent suit on poof
Throdgrain said:Sort yer fking life out Willier
Cask said:I'll save you Wilier with an interesting article about the secretions of a supermassive black hole
Lazarus said:needs to get one first
Mobius said:I bet it was the one with the penis jokes.
Andrew: The Christmas tape that Thames produced, the naughty Rainbow which has been featured on TV Offal where Victor Lewis-Smith said it was the "unscreened pilot."
Geoffrey: Victor Lewis-Smith or someone else…
Andrew: Graham Norton?
Geoffrey: You just reminded me, that’s right, yes. The VT department of each ITV company, every Christmas had a competition to enter all the outtakes from their particular companies programme out put, and see which ones were the funniest. But ours wasn’t an outtake, we specially did it. It was specially scripted and we did it and I never saw it! We did it and Thames won it, but what they actually won, I don’t know. But I never saw the video. I can’t remember much about it except for Zippy with a banana.