


Well we gave it our best shot, Darksbane Wildfire and myself should have taken that relic.

Tnx to every albion that turned out, we looked impressive and a special tnxs to people that helped me try this

Plonker for the belif in myself
Albus Warhawk and Warlock for boost of confidence,
Yog for sorting the Scouting side
Wildfire for the changes and experiance that he brought on board

Sorry we never bought it home


They should fix these damn zones!!

It was going so great and then the damn zone crashed :(

Well, better luck next time :)


was well planned, everything was running perfect. and that relic was going to come home, and everyone present will agree.

id like to thank all guilds who came to the Raid.
a special thanks to Lac, we were doing a damm fine job dude.

Id like to thank wildfire for his advice and input into the Raid
and every other alb who came along

You were all doing a DAMM FINE job.

im not ganna moan about the Zone crash, just ganna get as wasted as a friar instead.

u hibbies are so lucky. think we now know how it feels. to get zonecrashes on a Relic Raid.
(but u woulnt of got the relic anyway) :)


yep looked really good so far. i saw 2 hibs turning up until 2nd door was down to i-dont-know-exactly 70 % or so.

nice organized and well done anyway!

and goa: fix that asap PLEASE:kissit:


Always happens to Albs, we all hate GOA and one day they will realise why.... That relic was ours, thx to organisers, you did gr8 job, even if we didn’t win, and I have confidence that next time if GOA don’t fuck it up for us, we will win :p


nice organising to ye :)

that relic was ours

fecking servers :(



merlins staff was soooooooooooooo on its way back to alb


Hyuga Hinata

Originally posted by --Eraser--
2nd door was down to i-dont-know-exactly 70 % or so.

Actually the second door only had 30% or so left :(

Brannor McThife

This has nothing to do with GOA, but Mythic's coding for zones. It simply can't handle the combat of a few hundred people in one zone.

For those that found themselves inside the inner zones of Hibernia, I hope you didn't kill anyone, and rather suicided out ASAP.

Pity about that guys...but bitch at Mythic, not GOA.



we had it

it was coming home....good job all that was there



aye :(

next raid we need to limit it to 180 people or something ;)

but then we'll not get through so quick and we'll get mauled by the hibs :(

ho hum


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
This has nothing to do with GOA, but Mythic's coding for zones. It simply can't handle the combat of a few hundred people in one zone.

Wonder if SI will be any better, I know they've said the engine has been improved, but I guess its too much to hope that side of things will be fixed. :(


Grats to everyone for stumping up and making the effort.


Bah to GOA/Mythic for being pwned by the zerg.



Having played DAOC for only about three or four months I guess I have not yet gotten as used to zone crashes as the rest of you. But my lack of crash experience aside, I think this really is a major problem that needs to be addressed by Mythic and/or GOA.

The main goals for each realm is to get and keep those relics. This type of problem screws up the whole incentive structure of the game and will only lead to people focusing on the short term aspects of the game, and consequently the game will loose one of its' unique features.

For me personally last night's raid was one of the best experiences of my little armsman's life up until the crash. All the talk of Albion not being able to unite and get it's shit together in RvR (which is complete bullocks if you ask me :p) was proven sooo wrong. However, this excellent gaming experience was quickly transformed to goo due to either inadequate server performance or poor programming (or a sweet combination).

I really don't care who's to blame, I just know that I am a bit less enthusiastic about playing DAOC today than I was yesterday. And I am guessing that I'm not the only one.

Well, I just wanted to spill my guts and let my frustration be known to all ;), especially to GOA and Mythic, who I hope will address this issue ASAP.

Oh and by the way,
thanks to all that had a hand in arranging the raid, we would sooo have gotten that powah relic :clap:


Stighelmer, Armsman in his 40's

---=* Guardians of Light *=---


Was a real good raid. Gratz to the orginisers.

I was suprised no one got spotted though :)

250+albs and the hibbies didnt see us :D




Nice effort...

Too bad we didn't succeed...all went very smooth, since there were like 2-3 RvR kills from inside the defence at all

Guess if server didn't crash on us all..we would have had a nice fight vs the inc Hibs and looking at our numbers...probably whiped them out.

Hope some people took screens of the raid...was nice to see so many Albs move towards the Relic running up and down the hills :)

Grats to the organisers & albs to listen to them :p


Good organization, good communication.

And I got a chance to splatter LA :)


remember you saying 'We'll deal with LA' in the cg... but didn't hear the result (was too busy lagging around the relic keep)


Personally if I'd found myself in hib I would have gone on a killing rampage. I don't think mythic nor GOA would have any grounds to punish me considering they caused me to be there.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Did anyone who got transported to Hibland go on a rampage? I can't say I would have been too restrained, whats the word?...noble. ;) I would have butchered every little hib bugger I came across. :)

...and no doubt be told off by everyone. :p


Originally posted by stighelmer
I really don't care who's to blame, I just know that I am a bit less enthusiastic about playing DAOC today than I was yesterday. And I am guessing that I'm not the only one.
While it was frustrating to be thwarted in such a manner when victory was within our grasp, you can’t let a little setback like this dampen your sprits. Look at it in perspective:

Ok, we didn’t get the Relic, but it’s not like the Hibs are enjoying any sort of bonus from having it at the moment. And they still have to worry about defending it, not only from us but from the Mids as well. And lets face it, Mryddin isn’t the easiest of places to defend a Relic - and you can bet that if we had taken it last night the Mids would have been there at 6 this morning to try and snag themselves a 20% power bonus! :rolleyes:

I for one came back after the zonecrash, and proceeded to have a lot of fun. Ok, I got killed at the keep - but not before several Hibs had felt the bite of my blades in their flesh and fallen to be trampled beneath my chain boots. :D

A group of us returned to Hibernia and Mount Collory after our forces had been dispatched back to Albion, and proceded to mop up Hibs who had decided that the Relic was now safe and were dispersing from Dun Dagda in small groups.

I’m sure Wildfire will agree when I say that it was a lot of fun! I have a recollection of him being quite pleased at having got a staff kill :p
And I know that Eggy got a couple of kills with his mace! :clap:
(Ok, we were VERY low on power and endurance at this point!)

And I have to add at this point that I LOVE my new RA, Prevent Flight…. Very few bards can now escape me (only one managed last night – Fame, if you read this, I’ll get you next time!) and casters are no longer able to sprint away from my whirling blades! It also comes in very handy for slowing enemy tanks trying to reach casters in my group, giving them time to get in a couple of extra nukes. I’d definitely recommend this RA to any Mercenary who’s considering it!


Sesh from Dragon fighter was zoned into the hib land upon been able to get back in.
a scout as well, no better class to be in that situation. he got a grey con, then a red con elf jumped of a horse and butchered him.

Repent Reloaded

SOrry to hear that the raid crashed, DK was lookin forward to it and from what I read we would of got the relic np... better luck next time guyz, good work :)


Originally posted by alithiel50
And I have to add at this point that I LOVE my new RA, Prevent Flight…. Very few bards can now escape me (only one managed last night – Fame, if you read this, I’ll get you next time!) and casters are no longer able to sprint away from my whirling blades! It also comes in very handy for slowing enemy tanks trying to reach casters in my group, giving them time to get in a couple of extra nukes. I’d definitely recommend this RA to any Mercenary who’s considering it!

Works better with faster weapons I think .. :)

not so good with that 99% sabre that someone sold me cheap (grr, sell me jambiyas cheap damnit ;))... methinks I'll gimp me damage and break out the olde featherlights.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
remember you saying 'We'll deal with LA' in the cg... but didn't hear the result (was too busy lagging around the relic keep)

We gathered enough to get them - unfortunately a midzerg killed them at amg and held us off.

When we finally broke through we got the chance to kill LA (again) - ofc this time it was a major zergwar.


I wish i was zoned into hib after the crash, bollocks to any nobleness and suiciding quick, RAPE AND PILLAGE, if only there was some way for it to happen for real too :)imagine a proper assault on ter na nog, doubt theyll ever add such a degree of war since the servers would try to climb inside their own shoe with 600+ ppl on at once, i just love the thought of rampaging along the land of stinking tree hugers with a big sword splattering all the pointy eared gits DIE HIB SCUM!


Originally posted by hercules-df
the servers would try to climb inside their own shoe with 600+ ppl on at once, i just love the thought of rampaging along the land of stinking tree hugers with a big sword splattering all the pointy eared gits DIE HIB SCUM!




it was a very well organised raid, we so should have that relic back!
Well, there's always next time... and as for the screenshots that someone mentioned, i was lagging enough as it was :)
near enough permanent red square on fps, fear! :)

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