Rage Fury Maxx Problem



I have recently purchased a Rage Fury Maxx card. This card has two CPU's on it. My problem is that the dual processor mode runs more slowly than the single processor mode. I know this from running timedemo's in Q2 and Q3.

I have updated drivers for the Rage Fury Maxx card itself, my motherboard, OpenGL - but none of this makes a difference. Can anyone please suggest what the problem may be and how to solve it?

I get 36 FPS on Q3 at minimum quality settings (i.e. optimised for in game performance).




Im not sure about this since I own a geforce card but I do remember reading something about this on the web a few months ago. AFAICR the problem was caused by Q3 not liking the change from 1 vid card driver to another - especially if the GLSetup proggy included with Q3 was used- so if you havent tried this already, try uninstalling Q3 and your vid card drivers and starting again from scratch. Install the card drivers first, then Q3. Like I say, this is only from vague memory - u might try a search of deja to see if this has cropped up before.



I've re-installed Q3 and this hasn't made a difference.

A guy on deja suggested that I needed a faster system, my system is as follows:

Celeron 533Mhz
128Mb RAM
ATI Rage Fury Maxx 64Mb RAM

Apparently this card hogs the CPU a fair bit, not sure if this expalins why it's slower in dual processor mode that in single mode though.


There could be a number of reasons for the slow FPS.

The Rage Fury MAXX requires two IRQ's, one for each graphics chip on the card. If either of those IRQs are shared with another device then framerate drops drastically. Try to adjust IRQ settings so that the Maxx has it's own IRQ for each graphics chip. The other problem is the driver set supplied on the CD, download the latest 'specialised' driver set from ATI website which are usually in the unsupported or beta sections.

Due to the way that the MAXX's uses 'SLI' try adjusting the cvar r_finish in Quake3 to see which gives you the best FPS. Settings of 1 or 0 are valid ( seta r_finish "0" or seta r_finish "1" ). You'll also need to reduce CPU load in Quake3, try the Best Visual/FPS Compromise or Lower Visual Quality, High FPS config tweak files in the Framerate and Visual Tweaks section of the guide that follows. Remember to adjust the r_finish cvar in the tweak configs as needed - http://ucguides.savageuniverse.com/Quake3/AquaQuake3Guide.html

[Edited by Requ!em on 12-01-01 at 02:28]

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