radeon probs



anyone else having big problem with radeon 9700pro?
I get those wierd fps lags, tryed everything drivers etc and nothing seems to stop it :(

upgraded from geforce 4 440 MX to radeon
atm my old geforce is better then radeon in daoc


i get the same with mine too im switching back to nivida asap if its not fixed after SI is released my geforce 2 mx performed better tbh


You have different threads about this subject guyz, its not directly related to your Radeon but probably to your chipset.

After many many tests (I have so far Radeon 7500, Radeon 9700 Pro, Rage 128, All in Wonder 128) on various chipsets :

It seems Radeon only rocks (didnt say works) with Intel-based (ie. DELL's etc as well) chipset, and can become a pain with others.

Check Radeon 9* thread.



well i have the radeon 8500. I rarely get much fps loss. tbh i dont think its the g/card thats the problem. I have just recently updated my system and even although i only have the 64mb radeon card my graphics are much smoother now that i installed more memory. So in answer to your problem id say the best thing to do is go for lots of fast memory and a fast processor. the graphics card tbh is not that important as the game doesnt use many of up to date graphics card functions i.e. trueform etc!.
Warlock 50 Earth wizard
Nyteshadow 43 Infiltrator
Squeek 46 minstrel
Smidget 5 cabalist :p
Athlonxp 2600+ fsb333
Asus a7v333 m/board
768mb corsair xms2700 333 ram
radeon 8500 g/card
windows 2000pro sp3


comp spec

my comp is not the problem, I have

P4 2.4 GHz
256 DDR-ram

and did fine with GeForce4 440 MX

still got problems with radeon :/


btw 256ddr ram is not enough !!! thats what i originally had and the ram was runng at 267mhz because of the processor! but now that i bought the new processor with 333fsb my memory now runs at that speed. Either way i know its the memory as i used a program called freemem pro and when you run camelot and check the memory usage it goes from soemthing like 210 free to less than 50 and if you run the game long enough it does hit 0 and then trys to freethe ram.


same chipset and bus as you warlock

but explaine why my old geforce4 mx runs better then a radeon 9700 pro, makes no sense to me :/

never had probs with ram either

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