Aloca said:Not that im happy over this but how likely do you think Goa will get the absolute latest version of the anti radar program? Or that they get the updates on it at same time as Mythic. If not it probably doesnt work
What he said!Influenza said:Imo they should stick a list on camelot-europe site of every single person they catch.
Jaem- said:A friend saying radar is still in use on US servers, is there any truth in this?
Gordonax said:Yes. It's a constant race. The maker of The Paid For Radar Program updates his stuff, then Mythic updates theirs, catches a load of cheats, and the guy updates again. But what that means is that people ARE being caught, over and over again. Which is nice.
scorge said:So in theory then they will never catch the radar users on the euro servers, or will only catch those with an outdated radar. Since we are a few months behind the USA, the Cheaters will have the latest radar version which will not be detected by 1.71 etc.
It looks to me then that only global updates will be effective against the latest version of radar progs.
We might as well accept folks, that radar users on Euro servers are here to stay. The Radar detection in 1.70 will not work with those players with an updated radar program, or it will be less effective as in the USA.
Looks like now you are going to need a BB and a radar to compete.... and that just sucks %^&*
Parade said:Amagine all the bards sucking more then ever, blaming it on their XXmbit connections , that is if the detection works.
You sir, are an idiot.Parade said:Amagine all the bards sucking more then ever, blaming it on their XXmbit connections , that is if the detection works.
Sorry to say but the radar programs is compatilbe with EU and the safety features is overall, they just block all ways that goa/mythic can possible find radars, when mythic catch more radar users they rethink and find 1 more hole.sibanac said:not necessarily is they change even a small thing in the client server connection the radar program will only work on on version of daoc so the newer "undetectble" versions of radar wouldnt work on the older versions.
And if the detection rules are seperate from the rest of the game then all versions of the radars could be detected aswell.
scorge said:should Ban the accounts caught radaring, or Reset to R1L1 and make them run round the frontiers naked going MOO MOO!
scorge said:should Ban the accounts caught radaring, or Reset to R1L1 and make them run round the frontiers naked going MOO MOO!
scorge said:should Ban the accounts caught radaring, or Reset to R1L1 and make them run round the frontiers naked going MOO MOO!
Why should an unsuspecting Guild have to suffer because of some reatard usinig radar?jokke said:Aye, reset to R1L1, also remove the same amount of points form the guild (not that this matter since the guild points are rolled back to the early stages of may every 3 week)