RA help



I have a problem with what RA to buy next. I am choosing between MoP or Dodger. But I cant make up my mind. Some say MoP sucks for mincers and that dodger is the way to go, and some say the other way around.

I want to be able to solo as good as possible. I am highlander, slash.

If it matters, I got no buffbot.


Minstres shouldn't be allowed to solo at primetime.


master of pain - you aint gonna dodge much vs tanks with 1.7k + weapon skill -_- ;)


Originally posted by rure
I have a problem with what RA to buy next. I am choosing between MoP or Dodger. But I cant make up my mind. Some say MoP sucks for mincers and that dodger is the way to go, and some say the other way around.

I want to be able to solo as good as possible. I am highlander, slash.

If it matters, I got no buffbot.

Soloing without a buffbot....good luck...

imo minstrels shouldn't solo RvR at all as in groups they are the most useful class because speed in RvR is essential and SoS helps to get away from any awkward situations.


Re: Re: RA help

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Soloing without a buffbot....good luck...

imo minstrels shouldn't solo RvR at all as in groups they are the most useful class because speed in RvR is essential and SoS helps to get away from any awkward situations.

thanks for your opinions, but that was a bit off-topic and I know how hard it is to solo without a bb.


Re: Re: Re: RA help

Originally posted by rure
thanks for your opinions, but that was a bit off-topic and I know how hard it is to solo without a bb.

Also soloing = selfish. So I don't care whether it's off topic :p


Re: Re: Re: Re: RA help

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Also soloing = selfish. So I don't care whether it's off topic :p
And I frankly don't care what you think. Everyone playing this game is free to do exactly what they want. If a minstrel wants to solo, then let him solo, don't go calling them selfish because of that. We all pay for playing this game and we all want to have fun, so if soloing is what you want, then solo by all means!

EDIT: My minstrel is a grouping minstrel these days (the few times I play him), but I really liked the soloing business before.


Re: Re: Re: Re: RA help

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Also soloing = selfish. So I don't care whether it's off topic :p

So,I've noticed.


Re: Re: Re: Re: RA help

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Also soloing = selfish. So I don't care whether it's off topic :p

I see, it's selfish of us to solo but it's not selfish of you to demand we provide you with speedbots? :m00:

Rure, if you want my opinion I'd say actives > passives for anyone unbuffed. Don't know what you have atm, but I'd really get IP or AP as soon as you possibly can.
Oh, and a buffbot :rolleyes: :p


I suppose you and Thagan could duo up.
use his buffbot you'd be able to do some dmg at least :)

And it's lovely to see a what RA next thread turning into a 'you cant solo without a bb...you selfish git' thread.

I'd say go with MOP, anything which makes you hit with more force than a battered cod has to be worth the points :)

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