

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Who has ordered it or is going to pick it up then? I'm importing, my copy should get here on monday I believe.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You're the one who showed me where to download it! And my download of the bit torrent thing timed out so I didn't.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sooo hoping that this will be here in the morning.

Deffo tuesday if not today.

If not tuesday then I will smash my head through a window in protest.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It didst not arrive. I'm so bored. I should probably get a job or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
My Amazon preorder still has an estimated delivery date of 4th/5th October, so I downloaded in via Bittorrent in the mean time. Been playing it since Sunday, and am generally very pleased with it. So far I'm playing as the Julii faction only and have stomped my way through the Gauls, the Spanish and what remained of Carthage in Spain. Fun!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Got it today, one of the best games I've played in a very long time and quite possibly the best strategy game I've ever played. Some of the battles are incredibly rousing and really seem to inject you full of that fighting spirit. I'm not even sure how they did it, it must be a mixture of the sound and the brilliant graphics.

Anyway, the single player looks pretty much perfect to me so far. I'm just hoping that they sort out the MP as I've heard that some people are having trouble with it. After one or two patches I can imagine some epic battles on multiplayer.

I've played it for 6 or 7 hours and if I was reviewing it, it'd easily get a 9.3/10 from me.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I played it all friday, most of saturday and sunday too.

It is the best game I've played in a long long long time. :worthy:

7 more provinces to go until I can be named Imperator

That said, naval combat needs some work...

Personally, I'd dread to play as a faction with no sea access.... My army upkeep is around 100,000 a turn, and my trade income is about the same.
And the julii (red) seemed to be disadvantaged in the fact that the North is a lot poorer than Greece, or Africa, meaning expansion is bloody hard.
I'm Brutiii, and before the civil war, I had about 30 provinces... the Scapii (spelling?) had about the same, and the Julii had 10.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I'm the Julii and it is quite hard to strike a balance between being popular with the people and keeping the empire afloat. I had to disband hundreds of troops in west Europe to stop my funds from disappearing completely. My navy is all but non-existant and moving troops from place to place can be a real pain in the arse. I'm in around 180BC and I've got almost all of Europe except southern Italy and Greece. I'm just hoping that I can find a way to get my money flowing again before the inevitable civil war breaks out.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Got it today pretty sweet,

Just getting started during my lunch hour, but now im a work wanting to be home right now! I knew I should have waited till tonight. maybe i can fake an illness and go home early.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Dillinja said:
Yeah, I'm the Julii and it is quite hard to strike a balance between being popular with the people and keeping the empire afloat. I had to disband hundreds of troops in west Europe to stop my funds from disappearing completely. My navy is all but non-existant and moving troops from place to place can be a real pain in the arse. I'm in around 180BC and I've got almost all of Europe except southern Italy and Greece. I'm just hoping that I can find a way to get my money flowing again before the inevitable civil war breaks out.

Just build all the trade buildings, road improvements and port upgrades in lands with lots of trade goods. Bling bling and you're loaded.

I'm playing as Carthage at the moment, and sweet jesus, it's a wonder they held out as long as they did against the Romans. Even when I outnumber the Romans two to one, I still have to fight battles myself, or I get properly shafted.
I'm dreading having to fight against Rome after the reform, considering my infantry can only just hold out against the low level trained infantry.
But hey, I have elephants :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Use Mercenaries as Carthage. You have the money to pay for them in abundance so you'd might aswell make the most of them. A couple of mercenary units can usually take on a few hundred hastati and town watch with no trouble.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The numidian mercs aren't particularly useful, except the mounted ones...

I have sacred band infantry now (kick ass!), combined with experienced iberian infantry and some kick ass slingers and Long shield cavalry.

Sadly, my generals seem to die as soon as I'm ready for an offensive.... twice Rome has been saved by my general dying.... the day of reckoning will come.

Atleast when I fight non Roman factions, the battles are much much easier :D
The gauls send an army of a 1000 men every 3 turns ro attack my lands in Spain.... I have it down to an art now - men fielded: 1020: survivers: 0

And I wish I could afford mercenaries in abundance... once I destroy the Numidians and consolidate my hold on Spain, then yeah, I'll be able to hire armies of mercenaries, but until then, my own troops will have to do :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I can pave my roads with gold, but when I try the hire mercenaries the game says I can't afford them :(

Any idea?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
The Games Sooo GOOD!!!!!

The Gauls are about the be crushed and I've got a rouge army of 50 men roaming around Thrace trying to get back home. I also convinced the Macdions and Germans to go to war with Thrace, they will know the might of the Juli Family.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
If you're intersted mainly in the single player campaign and hanker after a bit more realsim then head over to The Total War Centre and download the Realism Mod. Not too good for multiplayer as all parties would have to have it installed.

Basically it slows down the killing rate and movement rates, making the battles last a bit longer, as well as twaeking a lot of the campaign stuff, removing or toning down silly units (like the Germanic screeching women, etc.) and adds others. For example, if playing a Roman faction, it's now possible to build Triarii, Principes and Hastati at the start of the game instead of just Hastasti... which let's be honest is a bit better from a historical point of view. It beefs up Carthage, tones down and Hellenises (is that a word?) Egypt (removing many of the silly Ancient Egyptian units that were thousands of years out of date when the game starts.... Ptolomeic Egypt was basically a Greek nation with Hellenic units types)

There's loads of other stuff I can't remember, check out the Workshop section of the forum in the site above.

Most of the people I plan to play multiplayer with I'll be advising get the mod anyway, so I may get the best of both world.... Oh and remember there's an official patch out now too (fixes multiplayer Gamespy issues)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
On that note those up for a bit of FH mp fun , maybe try and organise something here , my legionaries are hankering for a fight


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Are any of the Greek city states in Asia Minor represented? Which Hellenic peoples are represented?

I have been thinking about purchasing the game and, as you can tell, I favour Greek units over Roman scum! ;)

Reading some of the comments above I note the problems that Carthage has in the game fighting Roman units. In the real world their main advantage, initially, was their navy -- until the Romans captured one of their ships and, in a typically Roman way, took the thing to pieces and learned the art of shipbuilding.

Livy's "The War With Hannibal" also shows that Carthage's other strength was their political unity whereas the towns of Italy were not all well disposed to Rome and only followed the Roman banner out of fear of reprisal.

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