qw overflowed msg's after installing kteam ffa mod



I installed the kteam ffa 220 mod on a linux redhat server sinds i did this there are a lot of gamers who are getting the msg overflowed whill connecting to the server. Including me but did not get this msg any more later. This server is running at a server park at our local calbe provider.

I used the standart server.cfg.
// sample server.cfg for Kombat Teams 2.2 FFA version
serverinfo admin "Sjippy (s.jippes@cable.a2000.nl)"
// disable proxy powerup timers and pointing
localinfo fpd 130
pausable 0
watervis 1
// comment this if you don't want new deathmessages to be included
localinfo k_deathmsg 1
// maps follow. This section describes what the maporder should be
localinfo dm2 e1m2
localinfo e1m2 dm4
localinfo dm4 e1m3
localinfo e1m3 dm6
localinfo dm6 e1m4
localinfo e1m4 e2m1
localinfo e2m1 e3m1
localinfo e3m1 e3m7
localinfo e3m7 e4m3
localinfo e4m3 e4m5
localinfo e4m5 dm2
localinfo default dm2
deathmatch 3
teamplay 0
samelevel 2
localinfo dq 1
localinfo dr 1
map dm6
And started it with the following script.
nohup /home/quake/qwsv +gamedir kteamffa -port 27500 > /dev/null &

Anybody having the same problem ?
Any sollutions ?
Please let me know.

Kind regards,
Stefan Jippes(holland)


o btw the server consol reports te following:
WARNING: MAX_BACK_BUFFERS for kteamffaplayer
kteamffaplayer overflowed
WARNING: reliable overflow for kteamffaplayer
Client kteamffaplayer removed

Hope some can help or have any idears,



The code is fucked and its a known problem I hope to begin to fix it fairly soon.


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