Quote from Middy Forums



MAybe some people will uderstand.. heres the quote..

If we have good healers arround- 3 or 4, we can stand arround entrance end mezz all waves not only first one. Imho when albs outnumber us the best way is to wait untill they will attack- mezz the first wave- then thanes move asap to the other side and mjol all casters and those who have left. Runnies can cast spears from walls :>. Warriors and zerks should kill one by one mezzed fighters


yeah very obvious... but. we ALWAYS fall for it :)


This post is a rant, it's probably not coherent and will make very little sense. Probably.

The biggest problem we have is, as has been said many times before, the patience of the people in our realm. The dragon raid was one example (deserters), this is another. Our players don't seem to understand the concept that one AE mezz underneath the gateway will completely screw anyone under there, yet our tanks and casters alike all rush forward trying to be the first to get to the mids, while those who have a clue yell to get them back. The way to win is to sit tight and whittle the enemy down (so that they end up with more res-sick people than not) while our own forces group up and become more concentrated - yet this very rarely happens :(

Plus a major gripe of mine is that tanks that stay back never swarm all over an enemy tank that rushes through... you would think it would be common sense... but then again maybe not. The number of times I've been killed by a high lvl troll simply because no-one was attacking him after he came through the gate is becoming silly now.

...rant over


I can understand what your saying there, but from a tanks perspective I always get yelled at to take down the spellcasters first to kill the mezzes and leave the enemy tanks for our own mezzes to deal with.

However if your refering to a single tank charging through then I see what you mean.


Let 4ppl rush in first, then 10sec afterwards, let another 4ppl rush in. Then they hopefully have burned their instas and we can rush. Worth a shot ;)

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