


Well all good thing come to an end, dont know if daoc is a good thing, but i decided to stop playing. It was gr8 fun, thx to lot of nice people i met there :) , and it was quite depressing, thx tolots of assholes that are everywhere. :(
All those people who thought i crossteam should feel happy now, gratz. Good thing u'll have no1 to blame after your relic raid failed, thou i NEVER spyed.
C ya all, Have fun

P.S i left my acc to friend till sub isnt over, so u may c Anarki in emain.

Anarki C lvl 46 Minstrel R3L7

old.Im pac man!!

man anarki. sorry to see ya go. really sorry. and i think after last monday relic taking ppl must have changed they opinion about you or should change.


Cya anarki

I'm sure u would find gr8 fun in midgard :)... Give it a try afterall at this point u don't have nothing to lose.

If u decide to come count me to give u some gold coins :)

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