Don't know where to start really all I can say is that the past year has been full of both moments of joy and moments of disapointment. I would like to thank both my friends and my enemies for a very entertaining time. I loved killing some of you loved and hated
being killed by others. So why quit. The game tends to get repetitive there are only so many things to do and so many mobs to kill once you have done that the only reason for staying is the people in the game. I have seen many ppl I enjoyed playing with leave the realm or quit the game altogether and I suppose It's time for me to join them. The account is still payed for for quite some time so chances are that I will occasionaly be on but most likely it won't be me playing and no I am not selling the account as the characters have become a part of my identity. Think i talked enough crap now so here it goes ... Goodbye, thx for the great times and best of luck to all of you whatever you do ingame or RL.