


Ok - hands up who actually know what this stat does.

Does it actually affect weapon speed?

No guesses please :)

Sharp Thing

i know it affects arrow loading time for every archer class (since i started with 70 quick and had a mloading time of 10seconds and now my quick is 120 and its 4seconds )


Q: Would you please give more detail as to how dex affects a caster? For instance, I understand that when I have my dex maxed I will cast 25% faster. How does this work incrementally? And will a lurikeen be able to cast faster in the end than another race?

A: From a dex of 50 to a dex of 250, the formula lets you cast 1% faster for each ten points. From a dex of 250 to the maximum possible (which as you know depends on your starting total), your speed increases 1% for every twenty points. So, as you can see, a lurikeen may be able to cast A VERY TINY AMOUNT faster than another race, but just barely, and even then depending on the starting stat.

By the way, this same explanation works for the quickness stat for weapon users.


Originally posted by Meatballs
Q: Would you please give more detail as to how dex affects a caster? For instance, I understand that when I have my dex maxed I will cast 25% faster. How does this work incrementally? And will a lurikeen be able to cast faster in the end than another race?

A: From a dex of 50 to a dex of 250, the formula lets you cast 1% faster for each ten points. From a dex of 250 to the maximum possible (which as you know depends on your starting total), your speed increases 1% for every twenty points. So, as you can see, a lurikeen may be able to cast A VERY TINY AMOUNT faster than another race, but just barely, and even then depending on the starting stat.

By the way, this same explanation works for the quickness stat for weapon users.


Look at www.classesofcamelot.com:


This is your reaction time.
Quickness affects the speed at which you swing your weapon.
The estimated equation for Quickness reducing attack time is

So, as Sharp Thing says, for an archer it affects draw time with the bow.


hm, some math:


with 50 qui (starting qui for highlander and norse)

and a 3.0 spd weapon

its (1-(50-60)/400)*3 = 3*1.025 = 3.075

so a small penalty, not too bad.

100 qui same weapon, its

(1-(100-60)/400)*3 = 3*0.9 = 2.7

so a noticable increase in speed here.. not bad. 100 qui is not that hard to reach either.

Gotta love rogues :eek:


it is also directly related to power for mid-Hunters


Remember for critblades that high qui actually lowers damage on the crit strike. As this is basically a 1 shot thing, critblades whould pick the slowest weapon available and ask healers/shammys to take off any haste buffs.

In US they have done much testing of the effects of haste buffs on dmg. Basically the haste buff lowers dmg, but will increase dmg over time (more swings). However, as most RvR battles are decided in a few hits, the haste buffs are out of favour. It appears that tanks with low qui, high str and painfully slow 2h weaps are the hardest hitters in the game.

Although I read all this before 1.50 & 1.51, so its probably all wrong :)


hmmm this gets me thinking... I always thought it was best to have a low spd bow for rvr, to get fast shots in. But this also explains my crap dmg I suppose. Time to whip out a slow bow and reap some rewards.


Slow weapons are great - right up until you need to taunt a mob off of a caster/healer quickly :( You also give up any realistic chance of performing the reactionary styles in most situations.

Polearms are great - expect when they're not ;)


I read somewhere that someone with 120 qui would swing faster, and hit for the same damage as someone with 60 qui using the same weapon.
Damage is only reduced from quickness, if using styles, normal hits remain unchanged.


So basically, the more QUI u have, the less damage you do per swing. So those who aim to hit hard and slow, take slowest you get, and less QUI items.


the way i understand it, the quickness modifies the swing time AFTER the damage is calculated. Anything else, makes no sense


Originally posted by listepik
the way i understand it, the quickness modifies the swing time AFTER the damage is calculated. Anything else, makes no sense

Errr, that doesn't make sense :p

Try it with a lowb char. Buy 2 similar DPS weaps but one with a larger delay. You WILL do more dmg each hit with the slower weapon.

The ultimate dmg dealing weapon would have a massive delay. A 16.2dps hammer with 30spd as an example, would cause MASSIVE dmg. The delay is modified by QUI, which for high QUI shortens the delay, and therefore lowers the dmg. Doomed if you miss with it though :)


Not necessarily..

it would make more sense to work out the base damage and modify it by quickness (i.e. the damage is calculated as 2.7*dps but the swing time is only 2.2s)

test it out ... get someone to go kill some green/blue/yellows and log it all.

cast a haste buff on them and do the same.

total your damage with and without haste buff (check the XP totals to make sure you only take stuff from the same level monster)

If the average damage per hit goes down with the haste buff then we know it affects your speed before the damage is calculated, otherwise it's after.

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