Quickness calculations on speed/damage!



What is the right formel for calculating your haste increese from quickness?

And how does this faster attack affect the damage output? Is it reduced at same rate as your speed goes up? (Ie. 10% faster swing, 10% less dmg).

If anyone knows anything for real here, then please share


Ok I don't the exact formulas or anything like that, but I do know this:

Having increased quickness improves your swing speed without affecting damage per swing at all. I.E it increases your damage over time.

It is not like haste with style damage.


Yeah Vel is right there. The speed of the attack is improved and the damage still 'stays'. Here is a quote from the Warden Team Lead FAQ:

It is very close to 1% haste for every 6 points of quickness over 60. So with 120 quickness you have a (120-60)/6 = 10% quickness based haste. This haste is applied independently of other haste spells.

And I think quickness has less to say when you get it over 200. Not 100% sure tho...

hope it helps mate ~:D


Some say qui reduces the damage per hit... personaly I havent really noticed any difference. If there is a difference, its not notable to me at least... and I spend most my time looking at my damage numbers...


((1-(Qui-50)/400)-haste%)*SPD from VNBoards... Seems pretty accurate.

Increased Qui makes you swing faster - base damage/swing stays the same, but style damage add % stays same over time, hence +'s from styles are less on each swing, but you swing faster. No idea what's the formula for that.


I stumbled over the info at www.classesofcamelot.com actually..

they got the same formular, just -60 instead of 50.. hmz.

was trying to test if quickness lowered damage, but it was a bit hard to do..

we got her to base quick, 56 (aug quick 1), then buffed her up and added quickness items, some 166 quick I think.. damage didnt seem to drop really, so I dont know.

Another thing we noticed was that if u got a 5 sec delay weap and got 200 quick, the reduce of attack speed is greater compared to a 4.0 (0.15 greater decrease)

so basicly, the faster your weapon is, the more important quickness is. I must admit if your damage follows the curve down with quickness it will make quickness a rather unimportant stat.. It is without a doubt an advantage with a quick attack, but there might be other things that comes in handy first..

Our tests didnt show this tho, but testing it on a player would work better.


i think the -50 (or -60 at coc.com) is the base qui stat (at creation)... not very sure, but it seemed to ring a bell about that :).


It's propably -60, sounds more "true". If you run the test again, log it with low quickness and then close & re-open chat log for high quick, so it's easy to split and run the both logs thru statz0r.

As the link Jiggs provided (which I'll tag for future, I'm a stats-wh0re :eek:) shows excellently that style boni decreases per swing with higher qui, but as your base damage remains the same, you will do more damage over time, with faster attacks which do a bit less damage.

Some say hard cap for Quickness is 250, whereas it is 300 for other stats - archers are best source to ask from, as they're always obsessed with shooting faster and since they don't have bow styles, they don't suffer from reduced style damage per hit from higher quickness. I believe Quickness follows the same formula as the other stats, where every point above 200 is half as effective as the ones before 200. No definitive info on that and harder to verify now that Mythic nerfed, ops "fixed", draw-time displays. Wish they've just added the tenths to spellcasters casting time display on beginning of cast and delve info...


but isnt 60 the lower "cap" at which point you start to get returns for points?

Ie wont get any bonus from STR (for an example) til it goes over 60?

That rings a bell aswell ..... or is our secretary just on a long coffe break :D


Not sure about other stats, but with lower than 60 qui, you swing slower than the displayed DPS :p Some total math freak wanna produce the exact formula for damage calculations? No? Damn :(

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