Quickness and Dexterity



I am an axe warrior and was just wondering exactly what Dex and Quickness does for me? Trying to figure what stuff to max with eq. If some kind soul could explain to me what both of those stats do in general, and also which would be best to max first for a warrior.

In fact Constitution too pls :) Does Con do anything except affect your hit point?

Sorry for all the newbie questions, but i can't find info for this.


I would try to keep Str/dex and con high. will make u hit/block/parry alot. But u will still be able to take a good beating and give ppl nasty hits with that axe. Quickness will make u hit faster, but for slightly less damage each time. I think Most of the warriors wanna do as much damage as possible/hit, so therefor keep the quickness lower. Atleast that would be what i would do. Good luck.

feel free to flame me to hell and back if i misslead the poor guy now :D


So quickness affects nothing but attack speed? and you sure the hits does less damage with increased quickness? if so quickness is totally useless.

And also what about constitution... it have any other effect than hit points?

Thanks for helping me clear this up.


quickness has some advantages though, It helps you evade more, (not much for warrior i admit) it will also mean that if you are fighting a pbt group you have more chance to hit between there bubbles that block your blow.


Quickness has been debated alot, and i've heard some people so it does effect your damage slightly and others reckon its only haste buffs that reduce it etc etc, i'd like to see some hard facts from Mythic before I swore to it either way.

Assuming it does slightly lower your damage what you have to consider is that whilst you will hit for a little less each swing, over a period of time you will be swinging more often therefore landing more hits therefore doing more total damage at the end. And you wont be as screwed up by pbt either, but in quick battles more damage may well be better, theres advantages and disadvantages either way.

Personally I already use a terribly slow weapon as it is, so I maxed quickness to compensate for this a little.


+Qui maks u swing faster without modifying your base damage, so you will do more base damage over time.

Problem is it DOES modify your styled damage so you do the SAME styled damage over time, only benefit Qui gives for damage is better base damage over time.

Thats why Zerkers (75% Styled damage output) often forgoe +Qui to hit harder per hit.


Originally posted by Solid
+Qui maks u swing faster without modifying your base damage, so you will do more base damage over time.

Problem is it DOES modify your styled damage so you do the SAME styled damage over time, only benefit Qui gives for damage is better base damage over time.

Thats why Zerkers (75% Styled damage output) often forgoe +Qui to hit harder per hit.

All n00bs ( :clap: ) who forgoe Qui are forgetting that you're not very likely to get reactive styles off if you're only hitting once every 5s which would do more damage than endurance chugging low damage anytime crap :p

Dexterity will make you block more, parry more, evade more so you can get off those good reactive styles, and also will increase your shield damage :)


Originally posted by bredo
So quickness affects nothing but attack speed? and you sure the hits does less damage with increased quickness? if so quickness is totally useless.

And also what about constitution... it have any other effect than hit points?

Thanks for helping me clear this up.

Constitution increaes your hp, and is a small factor in how hard people hit you. Max it just because you want as much HP as possible.



Dexterity affects the usage of evade, parry and shields.
Dexterity affects the amount of damage done with ranged magical attacks (bolts).
Dexterity affects the casting time of spells, and a high dexterity can reduce the casting time for any spell by up to 25%.
Dexterity is partially responsible for a character's weapon skill with thrusting weapons such as daggers, rapiers, and spears, flexible weapons, and hand to hand combat.
Dexterity is completely responsible for a character's weapon skill with aimed weaponry such as bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, and staves.


Quickness affects the speed at which you swing your weapon.
The estimated equation for Quickness reducing attack time is


Constitution is the basis for the amount of hit points granted to any class.


Strength is partially responsible for a character's weapon skill with aiming weapons such as daggers, rapiers, flexible weapnons, and spears.
Strength is completely responsible for a character's weapon skill with slashing and blunt weaponry, such as axes, swords, polearms, maces, clubs, scythes, hammers and hand to hand combat.
Strength affects how much weight you can carry before becoming encumbered.


Affects the ammount of mana you have on Piet/Int based chars, nothing more.


Affects the ammount of mana you have on Char based chars.
Affects the effectiveness of spells/songs on Char based chars.

Info taken from Classes of Camelot



Originally posted by Graknak

Dexterity affects the amount of damage done with ranged magical attacks (bolts).
Dexterity affects the casting time of spells, and a high dexterity can reduce the casting time for any spell by up to 25%.


Affects the amount of mana you have on Piet/Int based chars, nothing more.

Dex does not effect damage on bolts at all, it reduces casting time only. It's rumored dex increases bolts chance to hit though.

Int does increase your damage but not your damage cap. An acuity buff will increase your minimum damage aswell as your mana pool.


Acuity buffs don't affect mana pool actually, just damage.

Evade is both dex and qui.

And fully buffed dex (i.e. 300) is approximately a 35% increase in casting time.


Man why can you ppl never agree :) Got the general idea though, so thanks.


Originally posted by Meatballs
and is a small factor in how hard people hit you.

that's only for monsters :)
con debuffs on monsters make them take more damage per hit (rather than reducing their hp)

it's wacky...

and, unless you're a zerker who wants to post silly screenshots - max yer quickness :) it'll improve your damage over time and make PBT less of a pain.

Oh hang on yer mid - erm ... don't put any in qui! and get rid of that +str/+con as well.


Well Sanya said it was a small factor in how much damage players took on the camelotherald. Its frequently wrong unless I read it in the context of armour Con and got confused (it was like a year ago ;) )


Originally posted by Meatballs
Well Sanya said it was a small factor in how much damage players took on the camelotherald. Its frequently wrong unless I read it in the context of armour Con and got confused (it was like a year ago ;) )

anything in the herald more than about 6 months old is probably horseshit :)

She used to ask the game designers who said how it _should_ work (in a theoretical way)... she now asks the devs instead who tell her how it _does_ work ;)


Warriors should max emp and pie and keep cha high too.


aye Meaty not capping Qui as a meleer is just being an ego looking for damage screens like Sorusi (dex/qui debuffed troll damage coff coff :D) or not understanding the benefits it offers :D


Maxed qui is all fine for non-la users, because you have a decent basedamage and the style bonus is not all that high compared to it. However since LA has twice the growth rate than any other weapon spec, you gonna have a hard time catching up in the damage-over-time with high qui. Especially since they still get the haste effect from then 2nd weapon so it doesnt hurt them that much.
For every other melee qui is certainly worth the points.



I agree, only class I'd consider no-qui for would be a zerker.

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