Well i know when a normal Cleric goes over 50+ <i had 50 rejuv cleric once> it didnt make me heal for anymore. Pretty sure 50 just makes u cap the maximum you can heal for EVERYTIME. Dont know if Tics r set out the same way however. I would ASSUME , having over 50 rejuv would increase your focus dmg slightly, but thats depends if they just used the same coding for the rejuv line as clerics. Cant say ive noticed any major diff in my dmg on marrionette with +rejuv items on m8, but then focus dmg seems to be very random anyway.
Tbh your better off not bothering with +rejuv in your template and using the extra space for resists
Hmm only know about Clerics but if your Rejuv skill + RR + items = over 51 then you will not get any variance ... AS FAR AS I UNDERSTAND
If +Rejuv counts towards Heretics damage then thats different
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