Quick SC Question



Ok maybe not so quick, but this is aimed specifically at fellow polearm users.

Im wanting to imbue my MP Partizan for the best effect naturally, and im spec'd for max damage, 50 pole 50 thrust.

Now as we all know the thrust raises the floor on the minimum damage and the pole raises the max damage and gives styles, however if I then have +pole skills added to my weapon, therefore raising my damage, do I still need to raise my thrust for damage consistancy or with it being equal with my level now would there be no more benefit?

I originally planned on imbueing my pole as :

+6 pole
+4 parry
+1 or 2 thrust
1 resist cause its there.

May drop it to +5 pole

Essentially I just need to know if raising the thrust above 50 helps at all or wether I can forget about it now and add resists instead.



Armsman TL claims that according to his testing there is no benefit to slash/thrust/crush above 40 at all when using polearms.

Theoretically a purebreed polearm user should probably stop training thrust at 29 and get + items/realm ranks to 40.

Certainly I've heard no testing that found a benefit to +thrust when it's already at 50 and you are using polearms.

No matter how much +pole you have.


No point having +thrust if you never use 1h thrust.
No point having more than 39thrust if you only ever use pole, I'm afraid. :/
Previous armsman TL and this one have both done tests on the matter.


i always said the slam hybrid was a better template

anyways i presume +pole is the modifier for your weaponskill so i'd not worry about thrust...


your 50/50 right? u don't need +6 polearm then really as it hardly effects the damage over 50. I would advise geting another resist instead or sumthing else. Gona stick with Legion Soul Splitter i think its got good stats/damage and it won't cost me 3p to make/imbue etc :rolleyes: and hybrid is the best spec for armsman


Ya.... 39slash 44pole 42shield rest parry = blatant r0x :>
And LSS is uubbeerrr. Even if it was half as good I'd use it just for the leet proc and the uber glow. Vanity is ok when the item rules :p


Originally posted by Treniel-
your 50/50 right? u don't need +6 polearm then really as it hardly effects the damage over 50. I would advise geting another resist instead or sumthing else. Gona stick with Legion Soul Splitter i think its got good stats/damage and it won't cost me 3p to make/imbue etc :rolleyes: and hybrid is the best spec for armsman

Yes 50/50 regarding the hybrid, not going to get into this debate, its not what I asked and had this argument in other threads, im spec'd for pure damage and its certainly served me well in all the duels thus far, including against hybrids, pure poles and s/s users.

What I need to know is purely the way damage is calculated for your damage type when using polearms, i.e does Thrust, Slash or Crush make any differance post 50.

If not then i'll probably just get the pole imbued +5 or 6 pole, (maybe +5 now to spread the mods a bit) and more parry instead and get more resistances.

Ramas are you refering to the TL patch reports or some other reports/tests that I havent seen ? I havent come across any reports regarding it but would quite like to see them if there about.


as ur max dmg tank going +11 items +rr wouldnt kill u SC wise, it can be done.
i personally noticed +12dmg per additional point over 60 2h. dunno how much dmg with a pole.


Originally posted by gunZ-
as ur max dmg tank going +11 items +rr wouldnt kill u SC wise, it can be done.
i personally noticed +12dmg per additional point over 60 2h. dunno how much dmg with a pole.

Thanks, I take it the +11 cap doesn't include your RR then ?
The more +pole the better I assume but I just wanted to check it was safe to ignore thrust now I have it at 50.


50+11+rr=if over 64 over cap rest of the points is useless

there is no point bringing anything to 50 unless the style warrants it DF for eg


Very mixed views here. Lets say that his spec is fine, and that what polearm skill does is raise the max damage, the thrust raises the minimum damage. This means at 50 pole/50 thrust you should get allmost no variance in damage output each time you hit. If you have an MP polearm, I would maybe lower the 6 skill in polearm, and use around +5 skill, giving you better return on investment. Made this mistake with my sword.

The return on skill beyond 50 is less than that of going up to 50, but it is still there. I would certainly try to go to 50+11+rr lvl, you should notice some improvement. It might not be 100% obvious, but there. They did tests on longbow, and the return beyond 50 skill, and found that it does benefit you.

But maybe get polearm and parry up more than you invest skill points into thrust, so you parry a bit more.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Very mixed views here. Lets say that his spec is fine, and that what polearm skill does is raise the max damage, the thrust raises the minimum damage. This means at 50 pole/50 thrust you should get allmost no variance in damage output each time you hit. If you have an MP polearm, I would maybe lower the 6 skill in polearm, and use around +5 skill, giving you better return on investment. Made this mistake with my sword.

The return on skill beyond 50 is less than that of going up to 50, but it is still there. I would certainly try to go to 50+11+rr lvl, you should notice some improvement. It might not be 100% obvious, but there. They did tests on longbow, and the return beyond 50 skill, and found that it does benefit you.

But maybe get polearm and parry up more than you invest skill points into thrust, so you parry a bit more.
Regards, Glottis

Thanks pretty much what I plan to do, ignore thrust now its 50 and just get pole and parry on it, however as for dropping pole, cannot even consider it as the level 50 pole style is actually very useful, specially now positional style chains are easier to pull off.


you could have

39slash or thrust

now shield slam, then whip pole out and u would seriously own anything so freaking hard it would be untrue...

but then u would need +11thrust in your template

imo even


is better, then you get to chose your damage type according to who you face, which would also own big time

i admire the 'purity' of your spec, however i have a sneaking feeling that as you advance in Realm Ranks you will become increasing frustrated with your lack of flexibility

its also cool being something different from the rest :D

/edit arms spec is quite interesting debate cos of the variety of specs you can choose.....


The hybrid spec in itself though Jiggs is one I simply don't like, I don't care for switching weapons mid combat, its just asking to fumble something half way when you need it. Only time I ever dislike my spec is when dealing with archers, and even then I havent met one that can do enough damage to take me down before I reach them (they need un-nerfing bad).

I already have a 9 second stun on a 2 style chain, it wont work on casters but if your that close to a caster you don't need it.

Interesting idea on the two-damage type spec but really Thrust is neutral to all hib class armours and only resisted by 3 midgard classes, its good or neutral to the rest so its really not a problem.

Even IF I was to drop my thrust to 40 or whatever I would only stick the points into parry instead.

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