Quick Paladin question


Cap'n Sissyfoo


My expected spec at level 50 was going to be something like:

44 slash
42 shield
46 chants
3 parry

Is 3 parry waaaaaaaaaay too low?

Should I go 39 slash and put parry up to 20?

Thanks for the help.


well its kinda hard to say good or bad depends how you see it.
the low parry means you will purely block for defense which means you can get block reaction styles off easily, with 20 parry you will parry alot more yes, but parries are calculated first so it will seem like you block less.

also with the relatively high slash you gain much needed weapon skill so from the looks of that i would says its a fine spec.
Depends how defensive you want to be realy.


The 44 slash style is pretty useless, and going to 44 rather than 39 isn't going to make much difference for you damage wise as a Paladin... so yes, I'd suggest you'd probably be better off with more parry.


Autotrain both slash and chants to 48 and have 44slash with 17parry :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I was mainly aiming for a defensive paladin but seeing as I solo a lot I was hoping for a reasonable damage output as well. Thanks for your answers. :)

I will decide on my final spec when I get closer to level 50. Long way off at the moment. :)


Well, probably best if you auto train in crush until 50 with respec stone maybe. Nice extra few points to spend.


I'd go with the 39 slash, even if you go 50 slash you'll still hit like a girl so I wouldn't worry about it ;) I'd also go to 48 chants for the best defense


Problem with the chants is they are pretty much useless in most RVR situations, unless you enjoy twisting while running around a big battle, and trying to spot the enemy caster and trying to intercept any incoming tank and making sure you keep enough end free to slam. The Resists would be nice if there wasent always 4 or 5 casters nuking you for 600 dmg, what difference is it going to make. End Chant is quite handy and the insta taunt helps interupt single casters, other than that what good is the teeny amount of heals compared to the dmg you are getting, or the slight armour buffs, or the slight dmg buff. Sure some situation they be handy, but IMO shouldent be the proiority, especially with every paladin out there being Identokit, as long as you have 42 in shield you can be a good defensive pally, and once you are 50 you will want to do as much extra dmg as you can on enemy casters, what is the style at 44? if its backslash its not as bad as ppl think, notice all the cowardly SBS u see running away from you, a backslash does a lot more dmg than the lvl29 ammy.

Maybe my view on chants would change if they gave us better/more of them, I dont think they are the main priority of a tank, We have a sword and shield for a reason, any extra chants we have are a bonus, this makes us better than armsmen, but hitting.slamming/interupting should be our main objective in rvr, not being able to heal ourselfs for 46 poxy points Faith Heal is there for a reason :) If you think you need to twist during a certain RVR situation its likely your a gonna anyway, unless just engaging a guard + twist healing urself after a rez (very handy when theres no clerics near)

I advise you choose what suits your style of play, If you want to hit like a girl but beable to heal yourself for about 10 more points on a full chant pally than a secondary chants pally + have some nice resists go high chants and screw parry.

If you wanna hit a lot less like a girl but have the 2nd highest of each chant max slash and leave chants at their level, and agains screw parry :)

I think at least 42 in shield is a must tho, aim for that in shield then work out how you wanna spend the rest of the pointsin chants and slash then whatever is left over for parry + a style in each of the other melee specs if you judge it well :) catacombs has a reasonable character builder to let you see what spells/styles you get with each spec.


I´m 44 slash, 46 chant, 42 shield, 3 parry as well - if u wanna solo, do another char m8 :)

pally is ment for grp, in grp parry means a lot less than when soloing, while dmg output means more than the defensive ability of higher parry.

but ur gonna win almost any 1 vs 1 anyway, so u can easily solo with this spec as well, not like theres a whole lotta ppl who can beat a pally in close combat, zerker can be cruel, u win some, u loose some, after 1.62 it´s kinda np tho.. (and yes there are exception, as there is to anything, a RR9 anything will likely beat a paladin, so dont start telling stories about how ur sure u´ll own a paladin with ur RRway too much, compared to him).


Im 44slash,46chants,42shields,5parry myself

3 parry is enough imo because :

- +1 every realm rank

- can have +11 with items/sc

-parry chances are dex based , you will have aug dex 2 RA

-every lvl of mastery of parry equals 6parry points

so u will have 20+parry easy with 3 base parry

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Kewl. Thanks. :)

When I said solo I meant soloing in PvE. I am not suicidal enough to venture out into Odins or Emain alone. :)

Ckiller ofDust

im what i would like to call "RVR" specced hehe

42 shield
42 chants( why?? cos i use end chant in RVR not much else )
18 parry

this specc is really workin out for me...


All the cool Paladins go for:

48 Chants
42 Shield
39 Slash
19 Parry

And learn to twist dammit!


Originally posted by alithiel50
All the cool Paladins go for:

48 Chants
42 Shield
39 Slash
19 Parry

And learn to twist dammit!

I'm dropping it to 46 chants and getting more parry. As I really don't feel the AF buff is all that great :p


heres my specs atm (i'm lvl 45):

slash 39+11
chants 32+1
shield 38+2
Parry 20+2

I plan on taking shield to 42, chants 38 and thats it. parry works a treat and with mastery of blocking lvl 2 (and being a saracen) i am a defensive whore. Chants dont mean much to me, i'd rather have blocking and parrying as my priority.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Whats your final template going to be?

Wouldn't you want to take chants to 42 for the last end chant?

(if it is 42...can't remember)


Yeh imo the last end chant is _essential_.


yeh it is 42 for final endurance chant. To be honest mate, endurance does its job well even at 32 If your gonna take chants past 40, dont do it just for endurance chant, theres no point.
As for my final template, well i havent decided yet. Kind of do it as i go along:) Chants only come in to their own in PvE really, with RvR being as hectic as it is, you might aswell focus on denfense with higher parry/shield. At lvl 50, will you be doing any PvE?:)


Last End chant is a must atleast, IMO. Get it at 42 Chant.

The Shields are as follows:
48 Chant : 127 Value.
38 Chant : 99 Value.

Hope this helps.


personal choice really, depends what your after.

Duh! State the obvious...sorry.

IMO, i prefer higher shield and parry cus its more satisfying to not get hit by an enemy, rather than have a hit weakened by chants.


If you want a truly defensive paladin, go for one of the following:

50 Shield
48 Chants
29 Slash
Rest in Parry

42 Shield
48 Chants
29 Slash
Rest in Parry

And as previously mentioned.... Learn to twist chants in RvR! Too many Paladin's don't, and are depriving their groups of an edge in battle... ;)


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
heres my specs atm (i'm lvl 45):

slash 39+11
chants 32+1
shield 38+2
Parry 20+2

I plan on taking shield to 42, chants 38 and thats it. parry works a treat and with mastery of blocking lvl 2 (and being a saracen) i am a defensive whore. Chants dont mean much to me, i'd rather have blocking and parrying as my priority.

If you dont take chants high you really should have rolled an armsman instead.

Anyways since he isnt posting on boards and maybe someone is interessted Farek spec = 41 slash 42 shield 46 chants 16 parry i think. Dunno if its the best or anything but it seems to be working fine for him atleast :)

Chants make the pally if u dont specc it dont make paladins. Chants have lots of use in RvR and not only endurance, in long FG vs FG fights heal chant can add 600+ HPs to everyone in the group, thats a pretty nice con buff :p AF is nice aswell and dmg chant never hurt. High chants will also make u into a solo PvE god more or less :p can take purple cons at lvl 50 nice for money farming in DF. Also like Alithiel says _learn to twist_ if u dont twist u are 99% less effective :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Well, I just read on the other board that two paladins took down the Albion Prince with no buffs and no help. The fight took 30 mins of constant twisting and chanting but I think I have my answer now. From the looks of the pictures they were probably only 42-46 in chants as well. Uber!

Btw, I hate RvR so when/if I ding 50 I will still be mainly a PvE based character. :)


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Well, I just read on the other board that two paladins took down the Albion Prince with no buffs and no help. The fight took 30 mins of constant twisting and chanting but I think I have my answer now.

Two??? Done it with four but that was pre-end chant and fixed block

Right, Farek, we's a going Prince hunting!!!

P.S My spec is 44slash, 42shield, 46chants 6parry; MoParry II makes my Parry enough should they ever fix the group parry bug...

P.P.S Beware twisting AF chant with friars about; they get annoyed ^^

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