Quick CPU question


Big G

I have an athlon 2400+ (133 x 15) on an Asus A7V-266 mobo (I currently overclock this to 133 x 16 and sometimes 133 x 16.5 making it equivalent to about 2700+ speeds).

My question is, if i was to buy a motherboard that supported a 333 FSB (and the memory), could I run the 2400+ at 166 x 12 to allow me to utilise more memory bandwidth?



The secret to overclocking is to balance the maximum FSB speed with the multiplier speed (for reasons I won't go into, but are well documented on the net).

But assuming you have the XP A core (266Mhz), you should be able to change the FSB with your current MB (not sure, just guessing). The XP B Core supports 333Mhz, which is what I have.

Basically I don't see how changing your MB would improve matters, as you should be able to change your FSB already. Hopefully there should also be a limiter to prevent the AGP/PCI bus speed changing too.

Big G

Originally posted by Mr.Monkey
Basically I don't see how changing your MB would improve matters, as you should be able to change your FSB already. Hopefully there should also be a limiter to prevent the AGP/PCI bus speed changing too.

Haven't done it already 'cos i've got PC2100 ram ;). So the A core can be changed to 166 MHz and a 12 multiplier to give a 2400+ but with a 333 FSB?

Now what about a 400 MHz FSB, if you bought a mobo with the nforce2 that supports 400 MHz FSB could you run a 2400+ at 200 MHz with a 10 multiplier (provided you had the appropriate memory) ?


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