The infamous "Thresh" has launched Ultimate Arena. A system whereby you top up an online credit supply with real money and then enter tournaments, paying an entry fee from $1 - $20. If you win the tournament you win all the entry fees added up, minus an administration charge for Ultimate Arena hosting the game.
Now, although a good idea I can see a number of problems.
First, the press will have a field day with associating online gaming with gambling.
Second, knowing the amount of winey sods that are in the online gaming scene, I can see a lot of disputes over cheats, unfair practices and other things.
The sites FAQ seems to have nothing to say about what happens to the winnings should the servers crash, or should someone accuse the winner of cheating.
I suspect that the whole thing is doomed to fail. What do you all think?
Now, although a good idea I can see a number of problems.
First, the press will have a field day with associating online gaming with gambling.
Second, knowing the amount of winey sods that are in the online gaming scene, I can see a lot of disputes over cheats, unfair practices and other things.
The sites FAQ seems to have nothing to say about what happens to the winnings should the servers crash, or should someone accuse the winner of cheating.
I suspect that the whole thing is doomed to fail. What do you all think?