Questions about DOAC



Hi all,
I'm looking for a game that myself and my girlfriend can play together (no smutty remarks pls we already play the 'other' game ;) ) She likes games like Ultima, Diablo etc so a friend suggested DOAC. I'm not new to MMOG as I play Warbirds and Aces High online but I was wondering about how many players are online playing usually. Are you tied to playing on just European servers? (have cable so ping to US should be ok) if you are tied to playing on Euro servers how many online usually between say 8pm and midnight? I have to be honest I originally was just looking for a game for my girlfriend to play but DOAC does look like a lot of fun, is the community pretty friendly? is there help for new players? Is there a large variety of weapons (for me) and a good variety of spells (for her)? Also how much is a subscription and who do I pay it to? is there a central subscription of a more localized system depending on if you play US or Euro etc etc?

old.tris UK

if you buy euro version your tied to euro servers, if you buy US version your tied to them (i think?)

usualy about 1600 people per server per night

not sure how friendly the community is

there is a large variety of weapons but these are limited to the combat styles you chose to train in

there is a large amount of spells but depends on the class you chose and the guild house you join after lvl5

subscription is £6/month £17/3 month £30/6 months

you subscribe online using delta/switch and most other credit cards i think.

subscription is payed to GOA


Hi m8

there have been a few problems with the Euro network recently but on the whole the servers are stable and fairly lag free.

I have had the game for a week today and I have found the community online to be really helpful and full of top folks. Getting a group to go monster bashing is never difficult and there are lots of really helpful nice advisors around.

typing /advice brings up a list of advisors and then typing /advice adivsorname and then your question normally gets a friendly and helpful response. If Elui reads these forums - Thanks m8 U've been a star for helping me in the past. (as have all advisors tbh)

If u get the game and are in hibernia realm on the Prydwen server do a /who revor and if I am on /send revor and ur question (just type it it will auto go into the right place) and if I can help I will. Or post here - you always get a helpful response.



old.tris UK

not sure the servers are lag free tonight :( lot of people in game including me said it seems to be a touch laggy i.e. 3/4 of your HP has gone down before your weapon draws and you start killing.


Forgive my ingnorance but is that 1600 on Euro servers? if so that quite impressive. The one thing that worried me was being on a server with nobody to play with as the online flight sims I play are very US-centric so arena population diminishes rapidly in Euro hours. You say server(s) how many servers are usually up and I assume these servers each house an entire game ie all 3 realms per server or one realm per server? Also how large are these realms? Are we talking hours to walk across a realm for instance? £30 is very competitive for an online game! I used to pay $2 an hour for one of the online flight sims I played and currently pay $15 for one and the other costs $24.95 per month. If I was to buy a cpy of DOAC is it one account per CD? would I have to buy another copy to join my girlfriend online? I know it makes me look a bit of a cheapskate but the online sims I play have free downloads, is there a demo for DOAC?

Sorry for all the questions but the DOAC web-site is not very clear and I'm a bit new to online fantasy/mystical (whatever genre you can call it) MMOG's. Thanks for the speedy response, if the community is half as helpful as you have been then it should be a lot of fun. Thanks again!

old.tris UK

1600 is just the english server, the french ones have about 3000+ on and the other major servers for each country have about 2500 people on, just the less major ones (like prdywen) has about 1600

if one server is down usualy all of them go down unless they are coming back up of course.

each server does house all 3 realms, i think usualy midgard has most of the players in.

not hours to walk across a realm, expecially when you can take a horse :) but they are quite big i think, it took me 30 - 40 minutes to walk 2/3 of the map, but then my char is an armsman so not te fastest of people

its one account per cd because they use your CD key when you register.

there is no demo for it, you can only download legitamate things for the game via the patcher thing so if the patch server is down youi aint gettin on the game :rolleyes: because it has to check for updates before you are allowed to play.


Thanks for your help, sounds like a lot of fun, now I know a bit more I'll show my girlfriend this thread and see if she still wants to give it a go.



Revvin, after you purchase the game, you get the first month "free" ( it's included in the price of the game, which IMHO isn't at all pricy ) :)

So, you can safely play it for one month before you have to decide if you want to add more months for it.

Since you'll need 2 CD's ( one for you, one for your girlfriend ), you could, if you can get it from your local store, get one CD at first, just to see what it's like. That way you could cut your expenses down in half, should you not like it :)

Yes, all servers house all 3 realms. However, you can only _play_ one realm per server. ( Which one is up to you ).

So until they get one more english server up, you just have to neglect one of the realms. ( Try them all first, so you don't neglect one that could be more fun for your way of playing )

Hope this helps,
Turgor ( Prydwen -> Albion )


I'd avoid taking your girlfriend to the US servers. Lot's of 13 year old spotty yanks chugging into their Coke cans whenever they can talk dirty to a female character (regardless of whether the player is female).


Well I have ordered two copies so I guess I'll see you guys in the arena thanks for your help.



I guess that you will be playing on the English servers...

If So.. lil bit of info...

Excaliber is the most used UK Server... Prydwen is also used a lot but not as much...

Prydwen has the most players in miggard
where as Excaliber has the most players in Albion

Little bit of advice also... if you want a great chat.. Chose Albion... Be A Rogue.. and become a minstrel.. one of the best players in the game... Good at everything and comes with a Packet of Chrisps, Ready Salted of course...

Sorceress in 24th Sweason


Well thanks to everyone's input; Hibernia on the Excaliber server now has two new residents 'Revvin' and 'Maerdydd' an Elven couple who are slowly working their way into the new world.

Logged on for the first time together last night at about 11pm and the next time we looked at the clock it was 1:15am :) Wondering how many more hours wil be lost to this other world :)


Hi Revvin, I'm a fairly new Hibernian too, a Nightshade by the name of Zenich. Say hi if either of ya see me on there, I know my way around the place a bit now and might be able to help you out ........... or even vice versa depending on how far off levelling I am ;)


Well this game can be quite fun for a couple like yourself, hehe. I mean you can adventure together and stuff, for example in my guild ouy guildleader and his wife play the game. People get married in this game aswell (although no marriage NPC's have been implemented as of yet).
UO is a bit more of a "living game" though.
Just my two cents :D

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