Question to LURI Shades/Rangers



hello guys,
got a question to high lvl LURI shades/rangers

Have any of you respecced from piercers to blades?
And if you did so, what are your impressions, is it any better than piercers, and why?

Facing atm a dilemma wethere do that with my ranger and lil shade.
Tx for opinions


ps. not interested in BG point of view, end of game impressions are more important for me


mmmmm a blades ranger, and the point is that they r just different. Blades makes more damage than pierce, but pierce r more quickly, thats not nothing new, but it depends on what targets do u want to kill on rvr. I personally choose blade cause with my short swords i can do very decent damage, and not much slowly than pierce, my swords r 3.1 spd and pierce its like 2.7 2.5...chain is vulnerable to pierce weapons and cloth to blade weapons, studded from albion vulnerable to pierce and mid leather vulnerable to choose ur way :)...


Originally posted by loquerion
1) because we cant be an average starting class (celt - straight 60 stats) we lose out...

- 20 less str
- 20 less con
- almost "forced" to go pierce due to lower str...

That was a point made in another thread, referring to nightshades. Are there any blade nightshades that respecced from pierce, or the other way round that could comment on this. I'm thinking that blades are looking much nicer for the sort of targets that a nightshade would want to take down according to this armor resistance table, but does the Luri's paltry strength cancel out the vulnarabilities in the armour?


hmmm ok

Blades do not make more damage than pierce, tests have shown that they dish out same amount over time.

Cloth is neutral to all weapontypes.

Pierce have better styles than Blades.

As a celtranger I would go pierce if I was allowed to respecc now. Blades are ok, but i reckon pierce to be a bit better simply because of the styles.

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