Question to Friars lvl 40+



I liked Friar, when i took a look at him in Catacombs builder, and decided to try one and i made a Friar on Pryd.
Now comes the question:

Do Parry really not working in RvR?

Anyone going to max Staff?

Bleri McThrust

The response "Parry doesnt work in RvR" is not really true or fair.

The problem with parry is that it doesnt work against styles, and as fights are quick, with styles used all the time you get no parry's.

However if you where to fight someone who had no endurance then you would be able to parry.

So yes parry works in RvR but youre never gonna see it, or at least its going to be so rare and not really needed when you do.


Ic. Just was thinking should i do 20 parry and 7 reju, now i see that ill make simply 27 reju, or 20 reju 7 parry.


Remember that you have to go thru the PvE threadmill before you get to do RvR, so atleast some points in Parry are necessary.

You can parry styles, but as most of them have bonus to hit, it's unlikely.


Pretty sure I've had some of my styles parried by enemies in PvE...

couldn't be sure though :) someone needs to do some testing - get statz0r onto your logs or some such.


I haven't got a high level friar, but armsman... I do have Parry, but haven't got many points in it even though I'm a polearm armsman... (Only 10)

From what I've heard, Parry is a bit gimped(or bugged, they were looking into it on the usa servers) in RvR with the styles and all.. I parry even less in RvR then in PvE... But there is a 2H Parry bug in the current version that we have in Europe... Not sure if this applies to Polearm too though (or even Staff)... But basicly you parry half as much as you should...

We can only hope that we get v1.5 soon too, so you can cancel styles and specify backup styles... That'll make a friar a bit more powerfull since several of the (high damage) moves (or so I've heard) rely on follup of an evade or parry...

One thing is for sure though, do not forget to put points into enchance, or you'll miss some wicked (self-)buffs... I'd definitly say, screw Rejuv, you aren't a cleric, do what you do best and that's KICK ASS! :p


I'll propably quit when 1.50I gets here due to the dumb stealth-nerf :(

Polearms, staves, etc are 2-h ;)


my current spec points at 41.4 :)

rejuv 15
enchan 15
staff 35
parry 13

(or something like that)

works nice in PvE and in RvR I ususally heal... a friar can stand being hit on by 4 trolls at a time, BUT if you go 1on1 on any troll or other char yellow or less, you have a pretty fair chance of winning ;)


Maybe parry ain't working that good for RvR but for PvE it is a very good thing. Especially for soloing it is so damn nice to parry a lot or block a lot. I took 3 blue ones yesterday and survived all by myself, just because I parry them a lot and block as well. But it is something every player has to decide on it's own. Go RvR based or PvE based.


My staff does too much damage in RvR I never have enough time to parry the poor fool dead at my feet :clap:


Hmm, are there any ~lvl40 staves that anyone can use? I'm interest in trying out how well it performs in assassinations ;)


Originally posted by Astrala
My staff does too much damage in RvR I never have enough time to parry the poor fool dead at my feet :clap:


Go Ast go, knock em for 6 :p


hmm bedwin, odd spec there no? I mean, the lvl 50 staff style has parry as opening.... and apparently does barely more damage than boon. Enhance 44 gives you an extra 15% absorption (conc buff).
Just my thoughts =)


Parries and blocks do occur in RvR regularly - just not as regularly as they do vs mobs and yes even vs styles.

The problem with styles based on a block or parry is that in any "battle" other than a 1on1 u probably wont actually see the animation of it taking place or indeed hear it cos of lag.

But if u read ur log they do happen - reading the log while fighting in time to use a opening style is extremly unlikely tho.

Or maybe its just cos im a stoneage modem user.. :eek6:

Think I planned on around 20 points in parry for my friar, not really worth putting in more. 20-30 max.


Originally posted by LandShark
hmm bedwin, odd spec there no? I mean, the lvl 50 staff style has parry as opening.... and apparently does barely more damage than boon. Enhance 44 gives you an extra 15% absorption (conc buff).
Just my thoughts =)

I gimped myself, fell under the demand of better heal ;) with halfdings and 1.46 and respeccing once in the future my final template is

staff 50
enh 38
parry 16
rejuv 11

but thats a long way into the future, and until then I´m gimped

oh and Excommunicate (50 style) has evade as opening not parry


I don't think I'm going to bother with parry at all atm. I spose I can always respec.

For Southern I'm going for......

40 staff max
25 rejuv - no if's, no but's, 25, not 26 or 24 - go for 25!!! - why ? cos it gives u as stable as u need healing with refollication that is best heal in friars arsenal.

Dump the rest in enhance.

hope this helps .

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