Question time!



A few questions to get a general idea:

About berserkers:

1: Dwarf, troll or norse and why?

2: Starting points, where and why?

3: Axe, hammer or sword with left axe and why?

About Runemasters:

1: Kobold, Norse or dwarf and why?

2: Starting points, where and why?

3: Darkness or Runecarving with suppression and why?

About shadowblades:

1: Race and why?

2: Starting points, where and why?

3: Envenom or critical with weaponstyle and why?

About group layouts:

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?

2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?

3: Your ideal group combo?

About pullers:

1: Which class and why?

About game in general:

1: Drop items or crafted and why?

2: Big groups or small and why?

3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?

4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?

And there you go, a bit long but have fun on your spare time :D

[edit: fine..color didn't work...]


1: Drop items or crafted and why?

2: Big groups or small and why?

3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?

4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?

1. Drops - my stats suck otherwise
2. Big - less chance of me playing tank
3. Helpful if you are new to the group.... new people telling old group members what to do should get shot
4. Depends - if it'sa fun class to level, then its great.... like my wiz: groups are fun, but solo is fun too, I get to blow stuff up with big fireballs. Fun for a while, but leveling quickly becomes extremely tedious


Just do like Silverhood there, noone shouldn't feel like they have to asnwer the whole lot if they don't want. Not the SAT:s afterall :p


Originally posted by SilverHood
3. Don't understand that one? I'm always /advisor

Meaning about people who go "Put protect on that and that, do that, go there, this is a good way, etc"


3: Your ideal group combo?

For midgard:
1 healer with high pacification- mez/stun + a little heal if needed
1 Shaman with high mending / augmentation - good healing and great buffs
1 bubbleboy*/girl- pbt ... need I say more? Can also nuke
1 RM/SM* with darkness specc - high damage nukes
1 Warrior with high shield spec - guards Skald
1 Skald with 2H weapon - Plays songs.. dmg chant and rest song especially
1 Thane with high shield - guards warrior
1 spot for whatever else is wandering by

* This can be one perosn, but they will need to be high level... low level RM's can't really nuke mobs 10 levels higher than themselves

Cant be arsed with the rest of the questions.. too many :D


Only gonna answer the questions I feel I know enough about.

About group layouts:

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?

One Cleric and one Friar or other semi healer is good.
That way the Friar can do minor heals and other things like fighting maybe, saving the mana of the Cleric when it gets tough.

2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?

WEll, I would have to say first out that the Cleric normally puts a stack of buffs on ppl..
But OK, Non-cleric buffers....Hmmmm, dunno. don't have enough experience to answer this.

3: Your ideal group combo?

1 Cleric (healer)
1 Friar (Healer/tank)
1 Nuker For example Wizzie (but other nuker would be fine)
1 scout (pulling)
1 Minstrel (various songs, Speed, mana etc...also semi tanking.)
3 Armsman and/or Mercs (Pure tanks)

About pullers:

1: Which class and why?

Scout, Coz of their bow use and oither skills.

About game in general:

1: Drop items or crafted and why?


2: Big groups or small and why?

Depends on what classes are available, I generally prefer gig groups.
But mostly for social chat reasons.

3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?

Don't understand the question.

4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?

Fun, interesting.


perfect group for albion:

1 Theurgist with pbt
6 palladins
1 Rejuv cleric/friar


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Meaning about people who go "Put protect on that and that, do that, go there, this is a good way, etc"

Being a mouthy git that does that too much I'd have to be for it :)

However, I'm not for people going 'heal' in group chat when they're injured. Either the cleric/friar/whatever is on it, or they're afk and you're a dead man.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

About group layouts:

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?

2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?

3: Your ideal group combo?

1. Depends if we have pbt or not.. if yes we can live with a paladin healchant almost ;) if no we'll probably want one +one backup. although one will suffice.

2. extra buffers? usually two acolyte types are enough to give all the wacky stat buffs.. one will be spread around the tanks but ok (as long as they're not the weirdo clerics that buff themselves to the max and then fling one or two the groups way)
Damage add buffs are essential :) a paladin running damage chant is nice on top of that.

Me (hehe:) ) being a merc... (or another tank if I'm not in the group :))
PBT theurgist.
Shield paladin
Mincer for powersong and mezzes (means the theurg can buff too :))
Friar for healing/damaging/buffs.
2 other people doing damage. (be they infiltrators/scouts/mercs/wizards/sorcerors/whatever)


3 AoE wizards.
PBT Theurgist
Me (leech, or not present if I'm playing my wiz) :)
Rejuv cleric (or friar)
let the xp roll in :)


About berserkers:

1: Dwarf, troll or norse and why?
--> all evens out in the endgame but i'd say norse (overall+better dex)
2: Starting points, where and why?
--> str,con,dex (what else? qui?)
3: Axe, hammer or sword with left axe and why?
--> it's not like you can kill anything yellow when the new armor table comes in so stick to axe for the +laxe on them

About group layouts: (mid)

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?
2 for pve , 1 will do in rvr
2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?
1 max , err... buffs, shammy,
3: Your ideal group combo?
healer-runie-2 x skald- 2 x zerk-sb-random tank

About game in general:

1: Drop items or crafted and why?
--> depends on the qua and bonuses of the drops
2: Big groups or small and why?
--> full , rp bonus in rvr and ability to take on larger mobs in pve
3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?
--> depends
4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?
--> playing with alot of clueless noobies that dont take advice = a pain


About berserkers:

1: Dwarf, troll or norse and why?
Troll. For a zerker, you are going for maximum damage output. The higher str makes a considerable difference, especially at lower levels.

2: Starting points, where and why?
Srt, Con, Dex.

3: Axe, hammer or sword with left axe and why?
Hammer. Axe and sword both do slash damage, and since you're using a l-axe anyway, you already get a bonus against slash-weak enemies. Using hammer will give you a bonus over bash-weak enemies too.

About Runemasters:

1: Kobold, Norse or dwarf and why?
Kobold, for the higher Dex --> Quicker casting time.

2: Starting points, where and why?
+15 piety, +10 dex. Piety determines your damage and power pool, so it's important to get it as high as possible.

3: Darkness or Runecarving with suppression and why?
Darkness. Better nukes - RC bolts hardly ever hit target in RvR.

About shadowblades:

1: Race and why?
Norse - you want your first hit to do as much damage as possible, so go for the highest str.

2: Starting points, where and why?
Str, Con, and Dex. You are, after all, a fighter.

3: Envenom or critical with weaponstyle and why?
Both :p But if you are going one or the other, go Crit.

About group layouts:

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?
1 healer 1 shaman please.

2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?
See above. One Shammy is enough to buff everyone if he does spec buffs and I do the base ones.

3: Your ideal group combo?
1RM, 1Healer, 1 Shaman, 2 shield tanks (guard each other so no-one will ever get hit.) 1Skald, 1 hunter, 1 SB. This group will also do well in RvR as well as PvE, because you have someone to scout out the enemy, someone to spot the enemy assassins before they get to do their stuff, and good damage dealing potential, especially if the warriors switch to 2handers.

About pullers:

1: Which class and why?
Runemasters are best. Anyone with root after that.

About game in general:

1: Drop items or crafted and why?
Crafted - quality rules damage, and random drops tend to have low quality.

2: Big groups or small and why?
Whatever you're happy with. Sometimes it's fun to get a few peopl eand expore places you've never been before, other times it's good to have mass ganking sessions.

3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?
Plain annoying - especially when peopl eare high enough level to know their characters themselves. Shouting 'HEAL' at me really doesn't help - if I was capable of healing you, I would.

4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?
Fun fun fun!


Ideal pve group:

1 paladin (main tank, runs healchant)
1 cleric (healing, buffs)
1 theurg (pbt, buffs)
1 minstrel (mana, cc)
2 wizards (damage)
2 others (sorcs for some mobs, otherwise, whoever is there)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

About shadowblades:

1: Race and why?

2: Starting points, where and why?

3: Envenom or critical with weaponstyle and why?

1 Kobold you need a high dex for this template

2 15 dex 10 con.

at 24
20 stealth
19 envenom
21 critical strike

at 40
30 stealth
32 envenom
39 critical strike

at 50
40 stealth
45 envenom
50 critical strike
extra points in sword/axe/laxe if you feel like it

Secret part is Use playercrafted staff all the way and be sure to max out your dex constantly.
(Hey or follow the mainstream advice, this is some diversity at least if you don't)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
A few questions to get a general idea:

About berserkers:

1: Dwarf, troll or norse and why?
Troll hits hardest; greatest str and lowest qui. But then v.low dex = low parry/evade rate. I'd take norse, it's balanced and you don't have to look like a god-damn freak :p

2: Starting points, where and why?
Con, Str, Dex. No other stats make the slightest blind bit of difference.

3: Axe, hammer or sword with left axe and why?
Not sure. Hammer gives you another damage type (slash in left hand and crush in right) but axe also seems popular. Can't say I've ever seen a sword zerker, anyone know why?

About Runemasters:

1: Kobold, Norse or dwarf and why?
Hard to say. Kobies have more dex, certainly, but I think it's harder to spot a norse with a staff than a dorf or kob. Shrug. Dwarf will have a lot more HP than a kobold, norseman is in between i guess...

2: Starting points, where and why?
Pie, Con, Dex. +power, +hp, +nowhere else to put points

3: Darkness or Runecarving with suppression and why?
Runecarvinnnggg! GTAE is teh_win!.

About shadowblades:

1: Race and why?
Norse... more hp as opposed to a marginal inrease in evade rate and hit speed.

2: Starting points, where and why?
Con, Str, Dex

3: Envenom or critical with weaponstyle and why?
What kind of question is that? :p You mean critblade vs Shadowzerk vs 5spec?

About group layouts:

1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?
Depends entirely on the mobs being fought, if you need more than 2 i'd usually say the rest of the group is incompetent or you're doing the wrong mob.

2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?
You mean how many shamen?

3: Your ideal group combo?
Depends on the mobs yadda yadda.

About pullers:

1: Which class and why?
Runemaster pull with nearsight. Best range of any effect, causes no aggro whatsoever, and nearsights casting mobs into the bargain ;)

About game in general:

1: Drop items or crafted and why?
Dropped before 46+, after that crafted where you need to use crafted to hit your dps cap, and also for the 35% bonus against lvl 50s' epic armors.

2: Big groups or small and why?
Meaningless question

3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?
If you can't take advice that you didn't ask for, I hate no time for you :p

4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?
Depends on the class? :E
1 to 5 is a pain in the arse, but after that you realise you can solo and still level ludicrously fast compared to your main (assuming your main is 30+)
Also the BG's seem something to look forward to, as opposed to something that you're just aware of but unable to have anything to do with. Though you do have to work out a decent BG spec, which pisses me off :p

So, er....... /em 0wns teh questions!


Originally posted by Aeis
Can you put poison on a staff?


To explain my earlier specc; I atm have almost 200 in dex but not much more then 100 in str. (lvl 43)
Staves are 100% dex based compared to the str based weapon like axe and sword.

The critical styles can be done with any weapon thus also staff.


Race really doesn't matter, but I'd go dorf because of high cons and reasonable dex/qui.
I'd go con/dex/qui when creating a zerker, str will probably be capped out at 50, and +str items and buffs are easy to come by. The extra dex/qui increases chance to evade, which always helps.
Weapons, I'd go LA+Hammer as midgard has lots of fine 1h hammers and with spellcrafting coming you can get crafted 1h hammers with +LA bonuses (there are no weapons other than axes with +LA bonuses atm)

Again, race doesnt matter, but I'd go dorf again because of the extra cons and the fact that most kobolds who arent stealthed are casters, and therefore targetted 1st :)
I'd go pie/dex for starting stats, obvious really. Piety is easy to cap out because there are lots of +pie item (mmm, pie) but again with spellcrafting you can make up any stats so it really isn't that important.
I'd spec suppression to 26 for the first group pulsing pbt, then its a matter of choice. Darkness is uber dds, RC is uber bolts and GTAE, which is great for keep defense.

I'd go norse for all SBs. All SB weap dmg is str based so pick the strongest char. Kobolds look cooler though.
str/dex/qui for stats, mayve cons not sure about this. Depends on race.
There are 3 basic SB templates, critblade is high CS, weap, stealth, envenom. Shadowzerker is LA, axe, CS, Envenom. Soulblade is hybrid with higher CS and no envenom. All are good. Shadowzerkers have lower frontloaded dmg, but higher dmg over time, critblades rely on the opeing moves, souldblades are just..rare.

Healers in fg:
2. 1 mezzing/backup healing, 1 healing/stunning/debuffing/buffing.
Shamans have best buffs, but with the changes to healers augmentation line in 1.50, the healers debuffs are probably more useful to the group. Celerity is a group att speed buff, which is supposed to rock in PvE, also the healers att speed debuff is now
an insta (after 1.50)
There is no perfect group combo, as long as you have 8 competant players who understand what they are supposed to do and do it. A healer and a runey with pbt are pretty much required at higher levels though.

A caster pulling with nearsight is great. Its a 0 aggro spell, so they shouldnt get eaten alive. Apart from that, any class that can take aggro and has long range and doesn't run out of freaking arrows while you are in EZ.

Crafted items are superior in every way, but they cost shitloads. And spellcrafting will just mean they will cost even more. Drops are great because they are free, and there are some truly awesome ones. Mythic need to sort out crafting costs tbh, because the economy is non-existent.

Big/small groups:
Whatever works.

If someone asks, I'll give advice. And I ask for advice when I start a new class. Winds me up when some guy starts telling me the bleeding obvious though, "target nearest mob with f6"...OKAY MATE!

New classes:
I love starting new classes. I have tried every class in the entire game to lvl10 at least now, with the exception of a cabalist. Taken a healer to 46, champ to 30, sorc to 26, cleric to 23, warrior to 26, sb to 24, hunter to 21 and loads of others down to 10. Cabalist is next if I can get motivated.

Now I'm bored, cya.


Ive used crafted on my alts since they could swing steel (enchantable) and never looked back since then .. they own all.. hit harder and hits better than any drops.... when spellcraft/alchemy comes say bye bye to drops when the spellcraft/alchemy crafters get up a few tiers =)


Don't usually give out unwanted advice to groups over lvl 20 :)
Unless people are being mind-numbingly stupid ;)

Occasionally I'll mutter about protects n things... but usually just a 'who's protectin who? ok I'll protect X' with Fing...

lower levels I tend to be more 'OK A protect B, C protect D' :)
otherwise you get 3 tanks all putting protect on the cleric... and the robed fellows get splattered :)

I occasionally get ' protect? what's that?' but not often...

(unless I'm trying to get them to do aoe in keltoi... might as well be talking to a brick wall getting Albion to do AoE though ;))


About berserkers:
1: Dwarf, troll or norse and why?
2: Starting points, where and why?
3: Axe, hammer or sword with left axe and why?
1: Norse, reasonable high str, better dex / quick
2: 10str,10con,10dex
3: Hammer + Laxe = 2 different typs of damage, Crush and slash so u'll almost never have a very big penatly.

About Runemasters:
1: Kobold, Norse or dwarf and why?
2: Starting points, where and why?
3: Darkness or Runecarving with suppression and why?
1: Kolbold, kobbie powerrrrr higher dex :)
2:15 piety, 10dex u need all the piety that u can get and dex is always good :)
3: darkness best nukes, sweet dd, fastest attacks

About shadowblades:
1: Race and why?
2: Starting points, where and why?
3: Envenom or critical with weaponstyle and why?
1: Norse, more str = more damage
2: 10str,10con,10dex or 15str,10con
3: 5spec or Shadowzerker are the new ways of building a shadowblade, with 5 spec u have both cs and envenom with shadowzerker high envenom and very little cs. max stealth should be no more then 36 ( +11 items + rank4 = 50 )

About group layouts:
1: How many healers in 8 people group and why?
2: How many buffers(non healer), why and what class?
3: Your ideal group combo?
1: 2 healers, so u have all the mezz u need and enough healing power
2: for midgard: none..
3: for midgard: 2 healers, 1 max supression sepc rm, 1 skald, 2 warrior with shield, 1 zerker, and 1 free place for anything else but a healer.

About pullers:
1: Which class and why?
1: runemaster with nearsight ( 2300 range)

About game in general:
1: Drop items or crafted and why?
2: Big groups or small and why?
3: Giving advice without questions helpful or just annoying?
4: Starting a new class a pain or extreme fun?
1: Crafted unless u can get your hands on item from the prince / legion / dragon
2: 7 to 8 fastest exp..
3: helpfull, before lvl 35 by then ppl should know how to play....although i regularly meet ppl who don't know what things like blade turn are on lvl 33 or so :)
4: fun, if u do some research before u start so u don't end up making a gimp...


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Race really doesn't matter, but I'd go dorf because of high cons and reasonable dex/qui.
I'd go con/dex/qui when creating a zerker, str will probably be capped out at 50, and +str items and buffs are easy to come by. The extra dex/qui increases chance to evade, which always helps.
Weapons, I'd go LA+Hammer as midgard has lots of fine 1h hammers and with spellcrafting coming you can get crafted 1h hammers with +LA bonuses (there are no weapons other than axes with +LA bonuses atm)
Starting stats are assessed in addition to the cap. Eg. if you put 10 in str at the start you will cap str 10 higher than someone who didn't so you should always pick you 3 best skills (not the 3 hardest to cap). So I'd say 10 str/dex/con or maybe 10 str/con and 5 dex/qui. Quickness is good, you hit faster, and hence, do more damage. Note high quickness does not mean you hit for less per swing, your damage per swing is calculated from the speed of the weapon and dps, then the quickness bonus is added to give your actual weapon speed. So someone with 100 qui will do more damage than someone with 50 qui, over time.


Originally posted by SilverHood
perfect group for albion:

1 Theurgist with pbt
6 palladins
1 Rejuv cleric/friar

And who is going to pull?


theurgist will pull.... healing chant will draw aggro immediately


OK then who's going to play powersong so the Theurg can pull :)


pull with a lvl 1 dd... thats what my wiz does.... well, is dd + snare, but nevermind that


Originally posted by Dannyn
so you should always pick you 3 best skills (not the 3 hardest to cap).

Hmm, don't agree. Zerkers will never have any problem dealing dmg and STR is only used to determine dmg and how much you can carry. Increasing STR will result in diminishing returns, especially for a class that dual wields light weapons (I might agree if you were talking about a Troll using a 2h STR weapon, where frontloaded dmg is the king). A zerker who evades/parries more (they get Evade III and dex/qui increases chance to evade) will live longer, both in PvE and RvR. A zerker who forsakes all defense for offense may kill quicker, but will die quicker (and zerkers die fast).

But I guess its down to how you picture your char. I prefer more well rounded characters, a balance between offense and defense, but if you are obsessed with dmg, dmg, dmg, then +STR is the only way to go. Just be prepared to eat dirt more, because even with that +STR you wont outdmg 2h weap users (2 or 3 hits without an evade/parry from a polearm or spearo = 1 dead zerker)

Roo Stercogburn

Normally when you get to higher levels not only does everyone pretty much know what they're doing but there are several peeps you hunt with regularly and all know how each other works (though I've been grouped with one or two high level noobs that were obviously powerlevelled and don't have a clue).
Have had to sit down and explain MA stuff quite a lot, but then I had to have it explained to me once, so I don't mind this.

If running a small group (say when helping someone get that last bub to level) I usually have to go through the "Don't get agro til mob one-third dead, stay on pulled mob and all is cool" routine which I've usually been asked "Why?" and ended up having to explain how SMs work. Don't have to do that very often these days though :)

The only advice I find really annoying is when someone tells me how my char works and they don't have a clue but I bet this is the same for all char classes. Even now though at a fairly high level I don't mind unsolicited advice because I don't claim to know everything about SMs and game mechanics and I've actually picked up a lot from peeps just saying "hey, did you know..."


"I haven't got PBT, what level do I get it?"
"SMs don't have PBT, they have a self-only blade turn, so does pet"
"No they don't, they get PBT"
"They must really miss you at NASA. Cya"

Other than this, we can happily get on with the carnage.


best one is people telling me how do play my thane

Always make me smile....

Kor don't use insta's
Kor use guard on XXXXX
Kor put protect on XXXX
Kor don't use 1H
Kor don't use 2H
Kor don't get aggro
Kor you peel
Kor don't break mez ffs
Kor don't break stun
Kor just pull!
Kor don't pull when we aren't ready!
Kor play healing song
Kor buff me

and the likes....

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