Question regarding /level



wait for the patch, alot of things are unclear about the lvling, be patient for a week ;)


on the US server /level stops autotrain.. i imagine it will here aswell

on a nother note, and many seem confused about this:

the /level command will allow you to make chars of the lvl set by goa on any server / realm if you have a lvl 50 char on at least 1 server

e.g. if you have a lvl 50 on excal you can make a lvl 20 or 30 on prydwen (depending on realm, taking that many count and hope that hib gets the /lvl 30)

the /lvl command was added to spread the population so on the us servers so ppl with a lvl 50 on one server would be inclined to go to another server and try a different realm or even the same if he / she wanted.

The back side of this was that many of the "new" players dont know how to play and dont "learn" how to before they get to 20+ where they meet some of the more experienced players. And it can be extreemly hard finding groups that lvl in the sub 20's.

hope this help you Angle

edit: spelling and stuff


wont it be possible to like do /level till 7 then normal xp till 8, u get autotrain, lvl 11 then normal till 12 etc ?


i dont know for shure, but i think not.

when you use the /lvl you instantly get enough xp to hit 20 or 30... therefor you cant go to bg0 even if you stop pushing your trainer at 19... i dont know what happens if you do a /lvl and then go kill a mob, i will try to c if i can get this tested later today (a friend of mine has a lvl 50 on us)

ofc i will come back with my findings... i do know for shure that you cant get into bg0 though, this has been tryed / tried (spelling?)

edit: i know it seems comfusing with the instant xp to lvl 20 and keep pushing your trainer, but that is how it works.... i cant explain it any clearer, guess you jusy have to try it yourself to understand =P

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