Question -> Autotraining


Lomald Umilinn

Was just thinking .... I have tried this and it works... but will it work past L20 as well?

Make a /level 20 i.e
and use your free single line respec for L20 for your autotrain spec.

At Level20 put 1 point into stealth, and then respec stealth and you will have your autotrain in stealth.

For me I didn't loose any spec points with it.
I know this doesn't work this way with a full career respec stone.

But woudl this autotraining work past L20 as well then?

In that case you could level to 40 and then do another /respec stealth without loosing your regulary spec points.

And then again at L50 for those that haven't autotrained there is a chance to get it back ....

Have anyone tried this?

I have only tried this with a /level 20 char where i had only 1 point left after spending them in various CS, thrust etc.... and when i put it into stealth and then respeced stealth ,,, i got back my autotrain stealth points.

Can anyoen confirm this at higher levels?


You do lose the 2 spec points you spend when you do it.

At 20 you have 498 spec points, You put 2 into stealth and respec stealth, Stealth goes to 5, But spec points stay at 496.


Well if you can get a free autotrain with a respec stone, that's dumb. I hope it doesn't work.

Lomald Umilinn

Well, you never know .. but then again it would ONLY be fair that you cang et your bonus points back somehow if you have leveld to 50 before autotrain was introduced,as all my main chars have...


Anyway, it's a bug i think that you cantrick the game to get autotraining points with /level.


Autotraining's been in the game since forever :p Started my inf in 1.36 and autoed to lvl24 ;)

You won't lose any (already done) autotrained points by using a respec stone, if that's what you're after.

Lomald Umilinn

hehe no, I am after getting autotrained points if you didn't bother with it during the level up =).


No luck I'm afraid :p Otherwise my inf would have a total of 119 "extra points" instead of the 62 he now has ;)

Lomald Umilinn

My mains all have 0 extra points =>
would kind of like getting a few extra bonus points:).

When you /level 20 you can actually get 71 total bonus points out of 77.... eventhough autotrain should not work with /level 20 according to goa/mythic:)


It's a 'bug' atm, and if you wanna use it, level up fast, coz they are / have fixing/ed it. Dunno what patch tho.


God I hope they take autotraining out altogether soon.

This sort of discussion is so far from the intention of autotain it's getting silly.

Originally posted by Sanya Thomas
This feature went into the game a long time ago, and was intended to prevent a player from entirely gimping himself.

Because, apparently an armsman with 12 points in his primary weapon spec choice is not gimped :rolleyes:

Anyway, in the circumstances you describe above the system should 'auto-spend' up to the minimum level of stealth that a level 20 infiltrator can have (to prevent the said infiltrator being entirely gimped you understand).

If it's not doing that it's probably a bug.

Originally posted by Sanya Thomas
Now, on to the respec thing. When you activate your respec, the game will check your character to see if you have any autotrain lines that have a minimum attached to them. If our paladin is level 50, the game will automatically assign points to the autotrain lines until they are both at 12, before our paladin does anything else. (The game calculates what the minimum level should be depending on your level.)

Why? Well, if a player autotrained, the points he had were “free” – and to prevent abuse of the system, those free points must be assigned to the line from which they came. However, code is an if/then, either/or kind of thing, and the game cannot tell if the training you did at level whatever was the result of an autotrain or a choice on your part. So the points are automatically deducted.

In other words, the code design doc says ....

"Count back points in respec line to zero, refunding points as you go, then automatically spend points training back up to 'minimum level' if this line was an 'autotrainable' line".

The respec function probably doesn't check the /level flag, and so it may look like you getting autotrains for free, but in fact they were probably taken out of the spec points total you finished with.

If this isn't what happened to you, then grats, you found an exploit.


like.. report it or watch your acc. o into the sewer :cool:

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