question about Theurgists



just started a Theurgist and started speccing in wind. everyone keeps telling me to spec in earth but to me earth sounds better fun. What are your views on this? help me plz


Originally posted by old.Blake
just started a Theurgist and started speccing in wind. everyone keeps telling me to spec in earth but to me earth sounds better fun. What are your views on this? help me plz
thats didn't really make sense. Can anyone tell me why wind isn't very good :) thx


wind isnt that good.. his patch... next patch.. or the patch after (i forget) it gets a lot better, go for it... atleast ull be diffrent, i personally like the Wind Pets, that stun is quite cool

- Pathfinder -

People want theurgs with PBT - hence you need Earth, or groups will hate you :) Wind isn't bad as such, unfortunately it's based on spirit resist, which itself is gimping (ask us clerics :)).


hey :0 il try help a bit

right wind is good yes, it has better dd spells once u get a lot of points onto wind, the ze mez is also usefull.

right the thing is at least get 10 sec pbt (27 earth) coz thats really usefull when in groups, at least if u have 10 sec it will help. Then dont bother doing some on wind then some points in cold, rarther concentrate on one spec , ice, or wind.

Some ppl may find ice more fun, but wind is good yea, i have 45 earth 11 cold and 27 wind atm my ice dd's r better...

Well if there is anything else plz say.


Winds REALLY bad, especially when you're in a lift ...

(/groan ...)


Originally posted by old.Blake
just started a Theurgist and started speccing in wind. everyone keeps telling me to spec in earth but to me earth sounds better fun. What are your views on this? help me plz

It's up to you in the end, it's how you find your fun. People will tell you this because that is what groups want. If you are going to solo most of your time, then go with whatever suits you best, but if you want groups you need Pulsing Blade Turn (PBT). There are other classes with better dds, other classes with better mezzing, no other class has PBT. It will get you xp for sitting on your butt while the tanks get pounded by stonelords ;)



Spec how you want :)

Avoid the evil cookie cutter of doom!

That said Earth Theurgists are very popular past lvl 27 or so.

Wind theurgs make good nukers.. probably better than fire wizards since they get mezz as well and don't do quite so much damage (so much easier to not get aggro)

They'll never do as much damage as a fire wizard.. but that's not always bad :)


10 sec pbt is Earth 26

right the thing is at least get 10 sec pbt (27 earth) coz thats really usefull when in groups, at least if u have 10 sec it will help. Then dont bother doing some on wind then some points in cold, rarther concentrate on one spec , ice, or wind.

No. Earth 26 for 10 sec pbt. 35 for 8 sec. 45 for 6 sec.


I'm level 42 theurg, mostly wind specced and still no PBT , but now i'm losing my battle, i am forced to PBT.
Groups think they are safer with the PBT ( even if it is 10 sec) its pure psychological. Like a tree group, two tanks u only need to chaincast BT on them then instead of pbt'ing the wole group every 10 sec.
But no every players has heared something about PBT is best and every theurgist has it.
So they say: sorry man , i asked my group and they want pbt.
How sad :(
Ah well ill have it at 43 :clap:


the problem with air/ice theurgs is in case of wind that their pets set the 1min nostun timer, while pet stun is fairly bad
in case of ice the snare from the pet nuke (and your own) overwrites root. while root doesn't overwrite the snare
making CC in RvR a lot harder

besides that, pbt is sweet :p


ye luckily i found out about 'bladeturn' when i was lvlin in barrows, i then started going full out in earth, got 8 sec then i thought what the hell and i went for 6 sec, i dint think id get it coz at lvl 49.5 i needed 1 point left in earth to get it and was really scary :p so luckily when i hit 50 i ogt it and yes it is very VERY useull to groups and hunts and even rvr a lot, i mean sniper kept trying to hit me and never touched me bt saved my ass to many times lol, but now i htink ill go full out in wind.


decent theurg spec for rvr:

a) go 7 ice for soloing abilities
b) go 26 earth for 10 sec pbt
c) go 45 air for dd for rvr
d) spend some more in ice to get aoe root at 10.


ok i havent looked at all the threads but u want 35 earth and the rest into ice or wind.U need pbt to get into groups i have a lvl 41 theurg now and im gettin tree groups so easily>
35earth =8 sec PBT


i think the best template for a theurg would be 26 earth 10 ice 45 wind... in RvR pets is nice but you will use your DDs most of the times and the wind DDs are really good better then wizard DDs even cus faster cast time and about the same dmg. the AE mezz is also very nice to have.

PBT 10 sec is good for exping so i would go full earth until i get it. If you dont mind having a hard time leveling another cool template would be 45 wind (best nukes AE mezz) 25 ice (best pets, AE root) 10 earth (single cast BT)

still the best overall template is imo 26 earth 45 wind 10 ice. Spirit nukes is nice for exping in albion also, lots of undead mobs everywere :)


10 sec pbt is fine for xp'ing - if in trouble, chaincasting that is as good as chaincasting 8-sec (better actually, lower power cost).

for the record: atm pets SUX in rvr -u'll never hit anyone for anything noticeable unless they are alone or extremely stupid.

When air pets are fixed so they can chainstun, they could be worth it (is on Mordred i know).

Ice pets are good for soloing in combination with earth pets. Until level 18-20 or so.

U need only 26 earth for 10 sec pbt
U need 7 ice for 2. ice pet
U have the rest of your points free - and as airpets are good and air dd is good - spend them there - 45 is biggest dd - u can easily push it over 50 to get the fullspec damagevariance.
A few points are left over - 2. aoe root is nice - 10 ice.


i've ended up with 26E 10I 46A and its working pretty well at the moment.
The 10sec pbt was good enough for tree groups. Mostly no-one asks what pbt speed you've got, only that you have it in some form or another.
the 45 air DD is amazing in PvE. massive bonuses against undead and the every form of giant in DM :)
In RvR its very good too, dependant on resists. If i see an even con caster/rogue b4 they see me, they're pretty much dead. I can hurt tanks too, but I mostly use the single 1 min ice root/ 23 sec aoe root or 27sec aoe air mez on them and then let the nice ppl with glowing weapons chop them up for me. :p ( and yes, b4 you all say it my CC abilities are bad enough to make a sorc cry)

I'm not going to say that this is the best spec for a theurg, only that its what i have and it works for me. One thing i would say is that if i was starting my theurg again i won't make him an avalonian. its just asking to be the first one killed in any skirmish..


well i got another teory=)

i'm going to go 45 earth for the 6sec pbt and then rest in ice.

I dont care what others say. pbt is so sweet in RvR when your out running alone and then you see an arrow in your chest! then you just run the dir of the arrow the bt gets back before the next shot arrives=) and you see the bugger that shot u and pet him to death=)

Been there done that!

got alot of little iziz that thought she was fighting one pet when it was 12.


I have a drawtime of 3.2 sec, 2.7 if buffed (give or take) - try that trick on me and u end up dead.

I forgot to mention that im a relatively slow archer.

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