Question about shaman tactics in rvr



Hi there,

this time I have a question about Shamans. Braecia is my lvl 29 shaman and I have been in a couple of skirmishes with him. In those battles i stayed on the background healing and rezzing characters and casting the group regen spell.
Occasionally I casted poison on any purples I could see and some even got poisoned. I also casted the aoe weaken spell and some also got hit by it.
But all in all I think I should use different tactics (and get higher in lvl)

Can any experienced Shaman tell me their tactics in rvr?

Thanks in advance,


It pretty much depends on how you're specced m8, if you're high in Cave magic you get the AE DoT poison and stuff, if mending/augmentation I guess your role is at the back healing and rezzing.


standing there and letting albs nuke you :) hehe, but like the post above depends on how spec, personally i like mez/heal way


Shammie Role

If you want to go the mezz/rezz/heal route then you should really think about going Healer and not Shammie.

DoT's and Disease, both area cast and PBAOE, are the route to Shaman RvR flexibility and usefullness, so make sure you don't ignore that Cave line.

Augmentation has great buffs and damage adds, Mending has the obvious heals and Friggs and Fungal Rejuvenation that shouldn't be ignored, so I would look at making a Shaman with a decent amount of balance that suits your play style. Play around with a character builder like the one on Catacombs, to see what looks optimum to you. Compare that then with other people's solutions in the public characters, and try and work out why they are thinking along the spec lines they are. More than likely you will spot some templates that are more sensible than others to you then, which will give you something to aim for.

With respeccing coming in eventually, it wouldn't hurt too much if you mess up a bit, as you can change any mistakes at some point. This will allow you the time to get some RvR under your belt, and see what areas work to the best for you, so a bit of tuning can be done after some personal experience.

Good luck and good fun with your character anyway.


I have a level 42 shaman with main spec in cave but with some aug and some mend. I have over 4000 rps which isn't too bad considering I don't RvR that often (yet :) ).

Things to bear in mind are:

- buff yourself totally. Don't let anyone say you should buff others at the expense of yourself...this is RvR, not the controlled mob fighting environment where you would expect to give up buffs. Remember if you die then everyone loses what buffs you give them.
- use that bolt! It's good for ranged fighting with casters. You have the hp to take their bolts better then they can. Get a bolt off and if you can root em or DOT. One bolt plus DOT can take down some casters.
- only use AoE if you are sure that no won't destroy a mass mezz. Normally this should be easy to tell. I find I use AoE poison a lot and nobody has complained yet about mezz breaking. Admitedly I use it as soon as I see another AoE go off (thane etc), or whenever I know there is no Mid mezzer around. This will typically be the first attack I get off, especially as it interrupts. It's good for breaking a deadlock as the tanks can rush in when the opposition casters and archers can't operate for 2 ticks.
- use root where you can. I had great fun one time seeing a caster edge forward to bolt me and when in range I rooted him. Our guys then went in there and took him out :)
- get a good party with a skald. Your buffs and healing will help them, and they will earn some RP for you too.
- remember to rebuff rezzed colleagues if u get the chance. If people realise you are good support they will party you more often.
- disease ain't that good but I do use it occasionally. If I solo in RvR and get my root off, then I use it like I would only any mob along with all the other shammie tricks.
- Be prepared to swing that hammer when necessary!

Bear in mind that soon (hopefully) we get:

- Insta PBAoE disease . Heard nice reports about this being useful and our "get of jail free card". When the snare works this will be handy close up.
- AoE root. This will probably be a great weapon of ours. Very useful in keep defence too.
- Ichor of the deep. AoE root with damage. This will be awesome. Shame it's a realm skill and not in the cave spec.
- disease snare. Fingers crossed they will fix this.

PM in game if you want further details (like my spec etc).


imo the best that u can do with shammy is full aug bot ;)


lol - let's see that bot rez ur ass next time u r down :)


Well, I've started a shaman and I'm going for 26 mending for the first group frigg and 23 aug for the first fire resist buff. When I've reached those goals at level 34 or something, I'll go all out cave, which will leave me at cave 41 at level 50.


Disease cuts heals in half, so make sure you use that on hibbies as most of them have heals ;)


Originally posted by Belthazor
Disease cuts heals in half, so make sure you use that on hibbies as most of them have heals ;)

lol, now this is true actually

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