Question about PBAoE



Just as question, but if I use the least powerfull PBAoE spell, and it gets resisted bij an ememy will it still unstealth a SB or NS ?

I'm firespecced (but hey what's in a name), but want to put the minimum amounts of points in ice to get a PBAoE. Rest of the points will be put into earth to get GTAoE


dont know about pbaoe, or know about it in the current patch, but in 1.36 i bolted, then DD'd twice on a high (purple) char who had low stealth, he resisted all of them (bolt missed) and it didnt de stealth him.

but since there have been some changes to what de stealths you in the last patch, dont know if it may have effected that also.


Well if resisted spells don't destealth them, its useless to put points in ice.

Or is the chance for a low lvl spell to hit just as high as a high lvl spell ?


Originally posted by shani
Well if resisted spells don't destealth them, its useless to put points in ice.

Or is the chance for a low lvl spell to hit just as high as a high lvl spell ?

i think its the damage variance that matters with skill points you put in.


It's a combination of the two. Strangly the only thing that isn't based on whether you resist or not.. is your err resists.. That simply lowers the damage that gets done to you. 44% ice resist here /flex :D

If someone casts an AoE and you resist the affect you are not destealthed. I'm not sure if they get a message telling them that you resisted it however, if they do then that at least will alert the caster to the presence of an assassin and you can get your local and friendly scout/ranger/hunter to truesight :(


PBAOE Mezz/DD/Stun/Root do not unstealth a stealther if the effect is resisted, however, the caster of that one PBAOE will get the message that he/she has resisted the effect, and indeed you now know theres a stealther around.


Originally posted by SevenSins
PBAOE Mezz/DD/Stun/Root do not unstealth a stealther if the effect is resisted, however, the caster of that one PBAOE will get the message that he/she has resisted the effect, and indeed you now know theres a stealther around.

Yup, just a correction though, AoE mezz/stun doesnt destealth at all. <as far as i know>


i've been aoe mezzed with my ranger while stealthed when the mezz hit a nearby crowd of hibs, didnt de stealth me at all :)


btw, with even the lowest level pbaoe dd you'll still get more or less as good a chance of hitting and damaging as with a high lvl one, it's much more level based (between you and the target) that effects resists, personally i'd get the low pbaoe, wont hit them for more than about 1 damage :) but it'll de stealth them, which is what your after i think :) if they're uber purple though, dont expect anything but resists of course.

yes, i know lvl 47 is a bit high for uber purple assassins :) was mentioning it for others reading.

Generic Poster

I've had all sorts of 'resist' messages whilst stealthed. If you resist something, you stay stealthed... which makes sense.

The best one I've had is, evading a SB's PA, then staying stealthed, PA him back :)

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